Verawood, Argentine Lignum Vitae (Botanical: Bulnesia arborea)

Verawood Characteristics

Very nice to work and polish, but also very hard.  Work it slowly with light passes.  This wood is protected, Listed in CITES Appendix II and IUCN Red List as Conservation Dependent.  Very similar in appearance and working characteristics to Lignum Vitae and often sold as.  If you want to try one of the hardest woods on earth, this is one of them.

Color Range

Heartwood ranges from yellow-olive to greenish brown.  Darkens to a wonderful brown over time and increased with UV light exposure.

Other Names

Verawood, Argentine Lignum Vitae

Typical Use:

Musical instruments turning, inlay, mallets, tools, bearings, boatbuilding, pulley wheels, and accents.

Tree Characteristics:

Typically grows to a height of 40 to 50 feet, with a trunk diameter of 1-2 feet.

Verawood grows:

Central America and Northern South America.