Please Buy from USA sellers for fastest reliable delivery. Easy Returns & Exchanges. It costs $35.00 to return a pipe to China. Our Pipes are Guaranteed Authentic and Safe.

This Pipe which is perfect, would retail for $79.95 in stores. Since we make them ourselves, we can sell them at extremely reasonable prices. In this case, you get more than you paid for !

The entire quartz family is amazing, but Amethyst is definitely the one wearing the crown.  Crown chakra, that is!

You Will receive the Pipe Pictured  4 inches / 3.5 oz.  !  These pipes are amazing and will last a lifetime. You get more than you pay for.

Amethyst is a purple colored quartz that is probably, by far, one of the most beloved healing crystals from the mineral kingdom. It has a few things in it’s corner, such as, it is the birthstone for the month of February (you lucky ducks!), it’s an affordable semi precious gem, and it even makes mention in the bible as being one of the stones in the breastplate of the high priests of Israel.

Then there is that whole “being purple” thing.  The color purple  is so popular that even Oprah starred in a movie with the name.  What was the line about it pissing God off if you walk by the color purple without noticing it?  Yeah, it’s like that.

Another thing that amethyst has going for it is that even the meaning of its name means something very specific.  It’s name translates as “not intoxicated”.  That’s not subtle or hard to understand.  People used to think that drinking out of an amethyst cup would prevent drunkenness and encourage sobriety.   Some say it was because the purple of amethyst looked like watered down wine.  *shrugs*  I always thought my wine looked more like garnet, but whatever.

Some other historical associations of amethyst was that it protected the wearer from the “evil eye”, which was basically when someone was giving you energetic “stink eye” meant to harm you in some way.   They were real big on preventing evil stink eye back in the day, so again, amethyst was one of the first gemstones that was directly associated with spiritual or energetic protection.

One of the other associations was that it lessened fleshy or carnal desires and instilled a sense of peace and calm, perhaps because of its “sobering” quality of lowering addictive behaviors.  That would make it a great sleep and meditation stone.


This  Listing is in compliance with EBAY terms of service allowing Stone  Tobacco  Pipes

All of my pipes are only intended for tobacco use by legal adults.  You must be 18 years old (21 in some areas) to purchase this item. It is  your sole responsibility to know your state and local laws regarding the  possession or use of tobacco pipes/accessories.

As per EBAY regulations these pipes do not have Carburetors, Symbols  or any other
Devices related to Drug Paraphernalia. The product should be purchased for  its intended use ONLY!