Leon Paul budget FIE maraging wired electric foil blade complete with re-usable collet, cut for pistol grip

Important note, these budget FIE maraging blades are no longer listed on LP website and may no longer be available from them - I dont know.

They appear to be a unique Leon Paul design and I've never seen them from other suppliers.

They were classed as budget FIE blades as they are much thinner at the guard end then normal and a collet was needed to ensure the blade didnt slip through the guard. I had heard they were therefore very flexible compared to normal FIE blades, but not being a foilist I again dont know.

LP ref for the blade was F12BGT and the collet F12SLV

I can delivery between J36 and J23A of the M1 free of charge at times to suit myself (usually around rush hour time)