Nepeta cataria.

This attractive perennial looks wonderful when covered in flower from early summer. The pale, lavender-blue flowers perfectly complement the hairy, scalloped and wrinkled, silvery, blue-green leaves. From afar the flowers appear as a haze of blue.

Veteran gardeners are probably already aware of nepeta’s versatility in the garden, from its popular partnering with roses to the softening effect it has on hard edges. Nepeta is an ideal perennial for new gardeners. Plant it at the front of the border, edging a path, so that you can catch the full scent from its aromatic leaves.

The plant has greyish leaves which are woolly underneath, and purple flowers in summer. Cats adore the plant, rolling in it and even eating it. Found in the wild in hedgerows, it is a magnet for butterflies, hummingbirds and especially bees.

We offer 20 seeds.