Chia seeds from HealthyPath4u are the seeds of Salvia hispanica, a plant related to mint. It is native to South America and has been a staple in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. 'Chia' means strength in Mayan, which is no surprise because the seeds are a great source of fiber, protein, calcium, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

The mild, nutty flavor of chia seeds from HealthyPath4u makes them easy to add to foods and beverages.

Chia seeds from HealthyPath4u offer excellent benefits for those looking to lose weight; as they are filling and nutritious. Unlike other weight-loss products, Chia seeds from HealthyPath4u are entirely natural, use them as part of a balanced, healthy diet to fill you up.

Here are some facts about Chia seeds from HealthyPath4u;

Full of antioxidants

Low in carbohydrates and high in fibre

Reduce cravings

High in proteins

Contain more Omega-3 Fatty acids than salmon, gram for gram

Filled with bone nutrients (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, proteins)

Lower blood pressure


Regulate insulin levels

Easy to incorporate into diet

How to use;

Chia seeds from HealthyPath4u can be sprinkled on cereal, sauces, vegetables, rice dishes, yogurt or mixed into drinks and baked goods. They can also be mixed with water and lemon juice to make Chia Fresca, a popular Latin American beverage.

Take up to 15 grams per day, remember to drink plenty of water.