This Auction is for one SSD hard drive

- OCZ Vertex 4

- 128 GB Capacity

- 2.5" SATA Interface
- P/N: VTX4-25SAT3-128G
- Tested, and secure erased. AS-IS.

- USPS Shipping, with Tracking and Insurance. Fast and Safe!

- Auction ID # 1256

All items are in used condition, unless description above specifically states that they are new. Items have been taken from functioning computers or network environments, have been tested, and are confirmed to be working correctly, unless stated otherwise in the item description.

Having said that items are tested, it is a simple fact that we cannot know the complete history of all items. As such, they are being sold AS-IS, no warranty or return policy is offered.

Please read the item description and inspect the provided images carefully to make sure that you know what you are purchasing before placing a bid. We are not going to misrepresent what we are selling in any way, but we do not take responsibility for the buyer making assumptions about a model number or anything else when it is not stated in the auction. If you have a question about an item, do not hesitate to ask!

We have recently had numerous problems with our shipping service. This includes bidders claiming to have not received items, and there have also been instances of items arriving damaged, in damaged boxes, with pieces rattling around in the bottom.
As such, we have made the decision that all shipments will now be made using a shipping service that includes delivery confirmation and shipping insurance.

Shipping will be to USA Only. No international bidders, please.

We are not just some random guy messing around with computers in his garage on weekends. We are a professional Computer Service/Sales company that has been in business for over 21 years. We have established ourselves as an honest company, and strive to keep it that way. Our sales volume is rather high, mostly off Ebay, and we’re only human, occasionally mistakes will happen. We want to do everything possible to make your Ebay experience a positive one, so if there’s a problem please contact us and give us a chance to correct it before just blindly leaving negative feedback. Thanks!

Feel free to contact us or visit our website. Bid with confidence! If you have questions relating to one specific Ebay item, please use the integrated contact features built into Ebay to allow us to respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.

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