Hello Ebay Buyers,

I am liquidating equipment and supplies for an Orthopedic Surgeon who no longer practices medicine. Best Prices while supplies last. 

Some cosmetic wear. 

Details :

Comes with all Nemio 20 Ultrasound,  1204AT PLM Probe, manuals, 2 Sony high density printing rolls for Sony printer. 

"The sale of this item may be subjected to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, State, and/or  Local Regulatory Agencies. If so, please be prepared to provide your credentials  in order to  verify that you are an authorized purchaser. Should the item be  subjected to FDA regulation, I will verify your status as an authorized purchaser of this item before the shipping of the regulated  item.". 

Professional use ONLY. Please be sure to operate saw safely and correctly. Will not be liable for any injuries caused by equipment.