A product I personally use. You start feeling this Fat burner within minutes, the sweat, focus, increased metabolism and energy is just on another level.

It has helped me lose weight and get shredded in weeks.

Its best taken 2 hours before meals or 3 hours after a meal (Its very important as blood sugar levels are lower within this window, therefore increasing the efficacy of the product to boost your metabolism,  allowing more fat to be burned for energy, resulting in weight loss).

90 Capsules/Servings. Taken once, twice or 3 times a day, depending on your tolerance. I personally take it 3 times a day. One of those serving is before my workout.

This product will 
  • Boost Energy Levels.
  • Appetite Suppressant.
  • Weight Loss. Fat Loss
  • Can be used as pre workout
  • Relieves Stomach Disorders

This is not the cheap useless fat burners weight loss product that saturates Ebay. This is a hardcore fat burner, made with pharmaceutical grade ingredients that works!!!