Premium FINE Grade Clay Bar


 Our Premium FINE Grade Clay Bar provides a method of removing harmful contamination from vehicle paintwork, improving its durability and increasing the gloss level of subsequent polishes and waxes.

Contamination can consist of tiny metallic particles from rail dust, brake dust and industrial fallout; or non-metallic substances such as tree sap, bird droppings or insect residue. It affects all paint finishes and can cause serious damage when left untreated. Surprisingly, even brand-new cars and trucks can suffer from paint contamination. 

Our Premium FINE Grade Clay Bar removes these particles effortlessly from contaminated surfaces leaving a glass smooth, ultra clean finish perfectly prepared for the application of finishing products of your choice.

Premium FINE Grade Clay Bar Quick Guide 

* Run your fingers over your freshly washed and dried paint work you can feel a rough, gritty texture, this is caused by embedded particles, e.g. tree sap, brake dust, overspray, metallic particles.
* If you can feel these particles spray some water over a 2-3 square feet area, using a spray bottle. 
* Glide the clay bar over the wet surface, properly lubricated clay should move easily.
* You will be able to feel the gritty contamination under the clay at first, this will quickly reduce as you move the bar back-and-forth picking up the contaminants. Keep folding over the clay every now and then as you work.
* Check the paintwork again with you finger tips to check that all the contamination has been removed.
* Once you car’s paint feels glass smooth, you can follow up with a layer of wax to seal the pores and provide a deep gloss shine.