Pokemon - Spring 2014 EX Tin

Xerneas Tin

Each tin contains:

  • 1 Prime Holo Card
  • 4 Booster Packs
  • 1 Online Code Card

Xy series brief:

Open your eyes to a whole new kind of Pokémon!

Kalos has been revealed, yet so much still remains unseen! New Trainers, new tactics, and the awe-inspiring Xerneas and Yveltal await—as does something else.

Something… different. Something to make even the mightiest of Pokémon-EX tremble! A new age begins in the Pokémon TCG with Mega Evolution! Mega Evolution Pokémon evolve from Pokémon-EX, extremely powerful cards in their own right, creating a force that will change the way Pokémon TCG players build decks and create strategies for battle.

Before playing a Mega Evolution Pokémon to evolve a Pokémon-EX, players must consider the situation carefully—doing so ends their turn immediately, which means they can’t attack that turn! The risky move is worth the reward, however, because Mega Evolution Pokémon exhibit a strength that surpasses that of Pokémon-EX. Hard-hitting attacks and high HP totals make Mega Evolution Pokémon dominant during Pokémon TCG matches.