This is the best most accurate costume/motorcycle suit on the planet. UD Replicas leather perfect suit. I bought as a Halloween costume and wore 3 times. The wait to order brand new is 6 months. Original price for this Jacket and pants set= jacket $798. pants $449 and it cost $100 to ship from Canada. $950 serious inquires only. THIS IS FOR JACKET AND PANTS ONLY. Both pants and jacket are a size small=they run big as I am 5'9 with a 42 chest and 32" waist. Check the ud replicas site for size. Here's their write up. belt gloves and boots not included.

Officially Licensed Movie Replica Leather Motorcycle Suit features details and designs from the BATMAN™ costume as it appears in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES™ .

Exquisitely rendered in leather by the UD Replicas' team, this Movie Replica garment also features Kevlar inserts and adjustable sections setting a new standard in leather garment manufacturing. Make no mistake, this is not a costume. While paying tribute to all the on-screen design elements, our suit is engineered for the serious motorcycle rider, offering a level of protection and flare the Dark Knight himself would approve of.

UD Replicas' designers have raised the bar on what can be accomplished working with form-molded leather and functional Kevlar details. Each rounded segment, every chiseled and beveled edge perfectly replicates the look of the on-screen armor...while being fully functional and everyday wearable riding gear