Phallic Calcite Stalactite from China


Size: 6"h x 6"w x 5.5"d    
Weight: 5lb 6oz / 2438kg     

Yes, this is a very phallic-looking calcite stalactite cluster from China, but once you get past that it's actually a remarkable specimen! Two large peach-colored stalactites growing from a base of beautifully formed calcite nodules. This is a very unique large cabinet specimen, and it displays fantastically!  Not only is it a peach color, but the texture is like that of a stone peach as well.


Phallic Calcite StalactitePhallic Calcite StalactitePhallic Calcite Stalactite
Phallic Calcite StalactitePhallic Calcite StalactitePhallic Calcite Stalactite