Starts Shipping July 2017



Aluminum, anodized blue and black.

Due focal range and lens PL Mount plate, there is no universal adapter for all PL Mount lenses to current DSLR cameras.

We will be releasing different adapters for different lines of lenses shortly.

The current adapter available, PL-CanonEF V1 is catered to older lenses (though some new will work) that has a depth of 6.5mm and total adapter barrel length of 14mm or less.  We will also be releasing lens PL Mount plates soon, in stainless steel only.

This is an adapter, meaning it will not require any modifications and cause no damage if used properly with fitting equipment.

We are currently working on adapters for Zeiss Compact Primes, and Cooke S4.  We will be making available our findings on our forum.

We are not planning to release nor offer modification services for DSLRs.

We have tested lenses ranging from Zeiss, Cooke, Angenieux, Lomo, RED PRO, Taylor Hobbs and Dalsa.  Please be patient with us, have lots in the works.

More updates shortly.


KCWtechnica PL Mount  to Canon EOS (EF) 7D, 5D Mark II with Angenieux 25-250mm


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Canon 7D, Angenieux 25-250mm

Recommend: KCW™ technica MRK (Modular Rigging Kit) - Stage 1 (Cinema)

KCW™ technica MRK- Crank - Camera Support Rig

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