You may have already swapped your regular oil for coconut oil in the kitchen, but did you know that Coconut oil has many other health and beauty benefits. To date, there are many studies that suggest coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut Splash Oil Pulling uses 100% natural coconut oil combined with peppermint to give you whiter teeth, fresher breath and a brighter smile. It comes with a 14-day supply, which helps you to naturally reduce harmful bacteria buildup in the mouth and further improve your oral health.

Coconut Splash Oil Pulling is an easy and painless way to detoxify and cleanse the mouth. It can be easily combined with your current oral hygiene routine by simply taking a sachet from the pack and swishing the oil in the mouth for up to 15 minutes. You will then see the oil pull out the impurities, promoting healthy teeth and gums. Give yourself a reason to widen your lips and flaunt your pearly whites with Coconut Splash Oil Pulling.

What does Oil Pulling mean?

Oil pulling might sound like a recently developed practice but it is there since the ancient times for improving oral health. It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for oral detoxification and it involves swishing or holding oils extracted from plants or fruits. Coconut oil is the most popular choice for oil pulling but there are even other oils like sunflower, olive oil and sesame oil that can be used. These are most often used because they are simple, safe, effective and natural. Coconut Splash Oil Pulling is 100% natural and contains antibacterial and therapeutical properties that help draw out oral toxins safely, gently and effectively.

What is Coconut Splash Oil Pulling?

image of coconut

When it concerns health, Maxmedix brings you nothing but the best natural formulations. This time we are proud to introduce Coconut Splash Oil Pulling as a complete oral detoxification solution. The main ingredient in Coconut Splash, as the name suggests, is coconut oil.

white teeth

This is well known for its bacteria-fighting benefits, which helps to remove stains and plaque whilst flushing out other toxins from the mouth. Together they complement your daily dental and oral cleansing routine to provide you with strong gums, clean teeth and refreshing breath.

What are the benefits of using Coconut Splash?

image of sliced coconut

Coconut Oil- Contains strong antibacterial and antifungal properties that help to prevent and cure tooth decay. While doing so, Coconut Splash Oil assists your oral hygiene regime to whiten the teeth and strengthen the gums.

peppermint leaves

Peppermint Oil- This completes the dental care routine by giving you a fresh mouth feel. With the minty, invigorating and fresh flavour of peppermint you can get rid of bad breathe.

How should it be used and stored?


Take 1 sachet of Coconut Splash Oil Pulling and tear open to pour its contents into your mouth. It is recommended to this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


Keep the oil in your mouth for a generous 15-20 minutes and gently swish it around like you would with mouthwash. Simply give it a swill and pull the through your teeth during this time.


At the end of 20 minutes, spit the oil out and rinse your mouth properly with water. It is recommended to brush your teeth after using the coconut pulling oil.

Easy tip while Oil Pulling

You can also use Coconut Splash Oil Pulling with a toothbrush that may help to easily target the bacteria and toxins that are harder to get rid of. And once you have finished with flushing out the toxins and bacteria with the oil, keep the brush under hot water for at least 10 seconds after use and allow it to dry for you to use it the next day.