Crystal Tumbled Chip Bracelets

These beautiful Tumble Chip bracelets are double strung and will fit most wrists.

Wrist size is 7 inches and elasticated for a larger fit!

Order 3 or more bracelets and receive a Large Gem bag! 


It is a stone of compassion. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot also bring abundance and prosperity. It enhances the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage. Peridot can lessen stress, especially in relationships, anger and jealousy, slow ageing, and heal ulcers and digestive problems. It also assists in finding what is lost, and strengthens ESP abilities. It has been said to make a shield of protection around the body of any wearer of peridot.


Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity. It relates to the heart, promoting feelings of love, compassion and nurturing. This gemstone will bring good friendships and harmony into your life. It increases longevity and brings abundance into your life in many areas. Jade radiates divine and unconditional love, courage, justice and wisdom. It dispels negativity and dissolves anger. Pop a jade crystal in a pot plant and flowers blossom. A good gemstone to carry when you have menstrual problems.


Unakite is a balancing crystal helping to balance all aspects of the self; emotional, spiritual and mental, and allowing you to feel more centred. It is also believed to help release energy blockages, that may be inhibiting your growth, and to encourage you to live in the present rather than in the past. It also encourages you to love yourself for who you are, which in turn allows you to attract and keep the love of others. Unakite is said to be of benefit to the female reproductive system and during pregnancy. It is also said to provide support to those recovering from a major illness or convalescing . Placing Unakite in a room, is said to bring in a gentle calming energy. Unakite is believed to be helpful in reducing the effects of electromagnetic smog. For this reason it can be beneficial to place a piece on top of, or near, the television or computer.


Clear Quartz works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation, directing energies with more intensity. It connects to the higher self, removes negativity and allows access to your spirit guides. Clear Quartz provides clarity in thinking and awareness. It is also a powerful healing stone for any condition.


Jasper comes in many colours. All colours of Jasper will help balance the vibrations of the body. Jasper is slow to show a change to the person, but is such a basic "good" stone that one should always have it on hand. Leopard skin jasper is said to assist in self-healing.


A good luck stone, brings peace and calm. It is also said to bring the keeper a long and fruitful life. Great stone for 'dreamers'. Used in treatment for hips, heart, kidney and spleen. Also helps the hair and skin.


This stone helps with inner peace, harmony, it will harmonize the inner being or the conscious and subconscious mind and its known as the LUCKY stone.


Wear or carry Red Jasper to alleviate stress and reconnect with Earth’s grounding energies. Its cleansing effect eliminates negativity, returning it to its source, and stabilizing the aura. It is an ideal worry or rubbing stone for soothing the nerves and restoring balance. Red Jasper is marvellous for clearing the mind during meditation, prayer or contemplation. Its high spiritual energy increases focus and endurance during long ceremonies or practices, and is helpful in establishing new spiritual disciplines. It is an excellent stone for shamanic journeying and astral travel, and provides vivid dream recall.


This crystal releases jealous tendencies that can cause stress and tension, leaving you feeling a deep peace. It aids communication blockages and balances the throat. It helps with creative expression. It bonds relationships in love and friendship and helps with expressing feelings and emotions. Its good for a peaceful nights sleep and a great stone for cancer patients to aid them through the process.


This stone is known for its best used for Mediation, this stone will give you personal power, this stone will help you with big life changes. It is especially good for for the libido as it energizes the senses and boosts sexual experiences.


This stone helps with your motivation and enhances your creativity. This powerful stone has the ability to cleanse other stones, so it's a must in your gem bag. Carnelian helps you to overcome all types of abuse it will help with feelings of envy, jealousy, anger and rage. It helps energize the blood, and sharpen concentration. This is the stone to carry if your going through menopause and its also a good stone to carry for cancer patients.


Rose quartz is a gemstone used for making one’s skin youthful. It helps in preventing wrinkles on the skin. It is also widely used as a crystal that heals the heart, kidney disorder, headaches, sinus severe circumstance, troubles caused by throat problems, spleen disorder, lung or ribs problems and fibrosis. One can also get ideal weight with this stone. Also, one main reason for wearing this gem is that one’s brain works well with the presence of this quartz. Hence, thought creation becomes sharp that allows proper decisions to take place in one’s life rather than emotions that often trigger disappointments. It can be used as a necklace to effectively point the heart as Rose quartz is referred as a gem for heart chakra. Gradually, the wearer will feel increase of self-value and love for the self increases as he wears this gem. As true love grows like a tiny seed growing naturally until it blossoms into a mature plant, then love can be shared to others. Self-fulfilment is vital before love can be shared to others so that disappointments and depression will be avoided when love is not equally reciprocated.


Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of purity. It balances mind body and spirit. It will calm and soothe and allow you to view unhealthy patterns in your own behaviour, thus opening the door to change.


This crystal clears the mind of confusion, cluttered thoughts and negativity. It assists in shifting energy at very high levels. It brings order to chaos, assists in stressful situations, and allows you the choice of walking your correct path in life. Fluorite helps you focus on your studies, your goals and increasing your self esteem. This crystal has the ability to clean, including cleansing the auric field. It's a good stone to have when channelling very high energies, great crystal for meditation and to increase your vibration. This is a must stone to carry if you are a healer or if you need help maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Fluorite is good for healing the body and for psychic protection. If you have chosen this stone, congratulations your spirit journey has just begun.


The Garnet is a stone of purity and truth as well as a symbol of love and compassion. The information released in a search may be painful, but it will always be what the searcher needs. The Garnet will help everyone's security level and spiritual awareness.It can help increase the sex drive.


Picture Jasper’s grounding energy can give you a strong sense of who you are, where you’ve been and where you are going. It is said to encourage creative visualization, creativity and business pursuits. It is also said to help alleviate fear.In healing Picture Jasper is believed to stimulate the immune system, to help clear pollutants and toxins from the body, and to cleanse the kidneys. It is believed to be useful when giving up smoking as it is said to strengthen the resolve.


This is the stone, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit, intuition and psychic abilities. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness and in facilitating visionary experiences from the past or the future.


Red Aventurine is a remarkable crystal for helping one choose their highest path, offering discernment and the ability to perceive which plans and ideas are best to follow, and which are less than ideal. It allows one to see the Self and overcome ego when it prevents better judgment, and lends assurance to those who fear commitment to choose a path and follow it through. It encourages self-forgiveness and the ability to laugh at one’s own mistakes.


This stone is extremely nurturing and works in a subtle way to give slow and gentle healing. They are also extremely protective stones, protecting against depression and negative thinking. In addition Jaspers are said to encourage a determination to succeed and to see ideas through into action. They are therefore extremely useful stones for those starting up their own business.


Mookaite Jasper is an ideal tool for overcoming procrastination by revealing the true reason for avoiding certain tasks and bringing the motivation needed to resolve the issue. Its constant energy keeps one focused and well-grounded while soothing the mind and quieting distracting thoughts. It is great for focusing on a specific goal or for a motivational boost in the workplace.


Amethyst has been known for eons as the stone of spirituality and the stone to assist in alcohol recovery. It will assist in overcoming any addiction! It calms and soothes your emotions as well as preparing your soul for intense transformational journeys. Amethyst is also a stone of prosperity based on it’s deep and glorious colour – Royal Purple! It creates a protective energy field around its wearer, assists in transmuting negative energies within the wearer and gives protection from external negative energies. It’s excellent for meditation and assists in the growth to your higher potential. Amethyst gives spiritual cleansing and expansion, relieves insomnia, and brings peace and calm. 


Amazonite brings your etheric energy back into balance with your physical body. It brings calm, helps you to realise the cause of blockages and gives you the ability to release and clear that blockage. It strengthens your heart and physical body, and is useful for relieving muscle spasms and cramps. Amazonite gently helps you to discover the reasons why you seem stuck in patterns and gives you the power to release the pattern. It allows you to go beyond the present by harmonising your energies and creating balance within your energy field. You are then better able to access your spiritual aspects and work with them in the physical world. 


Obsidian is a stone without boundaries or limitations. As a result, it works extremely fast and with great power. Obsidian impels us to grow and lend solid support while we do so. It provides deep soul healing. Black obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane. It forces up to one's true self, taking you deep into the subconscious mind in the process. Black obsidian is protective. It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.


Rhodonite is a stone of grace and elegance. It decreases your anxiety levels while simultaneously increasing your attention to detail. It works to heal your Heart Chakra, opening you up to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. The bright pinks enhance passionate love, while the shiny black grounds your energy, allowing you to have a passionate love that is also grounded. It is also a great stone for expressing love. Rhodonite is perfect for maintaining your calm centre and personal power, giving you the strength to stay true to your heart and ideals. It strengthens your ability to remain heart-centered in any circumstances. Indeed, its helps you stay centered in Divine energies especially when under stress, whether it be environmental or interpersonal. Physically, it has been known to help with emphysema, joint inflammation, light sensitivity, strep throat and heart disorders. 


Tiger Eye is great for relieving scattered energies if you are feeling drained or uncertain. It keeps you grounded, encourages optimism and lifts your mood! It’s great for balancing on all levels and encourages you to open up to new experiences. It fosters confidence and ease in manifesting in the physical world, enhancing good luck and prosperity, often in the form of money. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and the correct use of power. Tiger Eye is also a very protective stone that is particularly grounding, especially during travel or activities. Tiger Eye boosts your Solar Plexus Chakra and your own personal power, enhancing your connection with your will. It helps you to gain insight into your own imbalances and to perceive and think more clearly. It can help you to see clearly without illusion, giving the blessing of clear sight and vision. Because of its grounding and centring properties, it assists in transmuting limitations and fear. 


This crystal must be used with caution as its very powerful. Please only handle malachite if it has been polished. This stone can transform you. It provides tough love. It quickly removes heartache and blockages that have been holding you back. This crystal will swiftly turn situations around. Malachite can stimulate you, but you need to be ready for this stone. It helps with depression and manic depression. It has strong grounding and psychic abilities.


Goldstone  is said to help attain one's goals. Goldstone is also said to help one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalizing one's energy field. Goldstone also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including in crystal healing lore the strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain. Please note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. 


The purpose of wearing a chakra bracelet, beyond the evident beauty of the gemstones used, is to harmonize, balance, open, and heal the different chakra regions as you wear the chakra bracelet regularly.


Cherry Quartz brings new hope, acts as an anti-depressant, relief from anxiety, sexual problems related to tension and helps develop vision for the bigger picture. Cherry Quartz is an energy stone and a powerful healing stone. The healing properties of Cherry Quartz are used to aid repository difficulties, regeneration of cells, flow of energy throughout the body. It is an excellent balancing stone for sad or weak hearts.


Blue Goldstone is a dark midnight blue colour with beautiful flecks of copper inside. This Blue Goldstone is one of our few synthetic stones. Goldstone, like diamond, is a good deflector of unwanted energies and highly regarded in the spiritual realm as a protection mineral. It is a nervous system stimulant and enhances transmission of healing energies from the hands, therefore it is applicable to long distance healing. The sparkles of blue goldstone are symbolic of the light that can always be found in the darkness and it resemblance to the night sky will remind you to reach for the stars.


An all-purpose healer, Aventurine is used for healing on all levels: body, mind, spirit and heart. It balances your emotions, and is one of the best stones to wear or carry during stressful periods as it releases stress, anxiety and fear. Aventurine can help you centre yourself and it’s good for emotional pain, and helps heal a broken heart. This stone can help purify your mind, body and spirit. Working with it will bring tranquillity, serenity, stillness and peace. It releases toxins from all your bodies, and increases vitality and life force. Aventurine balances masculine and feminine energies, fosters creativity and increases motivation. Working with it can help you develop a pioneering spirit. It also reinforces decisiveness, leadership capabilities and is a stone of action. Aventurine comes in almost every colour, and is often paired with chakras based on its colour. 


Apatite is potent energy and a great stone to use in conjunction with other stones as it encourages and helps achieve your desired outcome. Use it to balance your physical, mental and energetic bodies and remove blocks from your chakras. It is a powerful tool for releasing food-based beliefs, dietetic problems and weight issues by encouraging you in nourishing your physical body, re-balancing your metabolism, suppressing hunger and resetting your body’s normal function. Use Apatite to deepen meditations enhance insight, develop psychic awareness, increase creativity and inspire self-confidence. It increases self-awareness and clears mental confusion, creates peace, inner calm and dissolves aloofness and negativity. Apatite helps improve coordination and strengthens muscles, helps suppress hunger and eases hypertension. Blue Apatite opens the throat chakra allowing communication in groups to flow and facilitates public speaking. It’s a heart and emotional healer. Yellow Apatite works more heavily with creativity, courage and personal power in regards to its properties. 


Hematite assists you in the release of preconditioned patterns and helps you to open up to seeing other points of view and even other worlds. It brings you relief and peace from stress, gives you energy and revitalises your energy. It enhances your personal magnetism and optimism and assists you in grounding. Use Hematite to ground yourself when feeling scattered and to increase your energy levels. Place it on your heart to strengthen it and to create joy in all areas of your life. 


Red Tigers Eye is a stimulating stone that is said to increase motivation and to help overcome lethargy. Tigers eye is said to promote a positive attitude and to increase feelings of self worth. It is believed to help you to discover and have confidence in your own abilities, helping to enhance your personal power and self confidence. Tigers Eye is also said to bring good luck and prosperity.


Sunstone helps you align to your Divinity! It enables you to feel self-worth, to come from your true self in everything you do. It is able to assist in depression and despair, dispels fears and phobias, sending in its golden rays. It gives back the will to rise up from the depths and be open to the breath of life. Use it to clear and energise your Chakras. It alleviates stress and increases vitality. Sunstone also brings good luck and abundance, and turns negative energies and psychic attacks into positive energies. It is a leadership stone, and increases personal power and will, as well as life force energy. Sunstone is also helpful in contacting animal or Spirit Guides. Physically, Sunstone is beneficial for general health, physical energy, sexual dysfunction and increasing sexual energy. Helps with sore throats, stomach tension and to relieve ulcers. 


Blue Lace Agate is a gentle, calming stone that brings you grace and tranquillity! It lessens all anger (even deep anger issues) and calms nervousness. It assists you in releasing the fear of death and oppressive burdens. It brings peace, inspiration and it enhances clear self-expression, while helping to access the highest energetic realms. Carry Blue Lace Agate to soothe and open avenues to self-expression, as it allows you to speak your truth peacefully and calmly, and aids in releasing your fears with regards to your own self-expression. It’s one of the best stones for opening your Throat Chakra when its natural functions have become limited or blocked. Spiritually, Blue Lace Agate assists in astral flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with Angels and activating the Throat Chakra. It can help bring you stronger intuition and inner knowing. Inspiration is another hallmark of Blue Lace Agate, assisting in inner attunement, and it can be useful for performing miracles. Blue Lace Agate is considered a stone of communication, taking the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhancing public speaking, and smoothing discussions. It also brings tactfulness to speech and written communications. It’s used in crystal healing to reduce or cure stuttering and other nervous speech habits and patterns. As with all Agates, Blue Lace Agate is a protective stone and can be particularly effective when calling upon Angels for protection. It can aid with arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, physical growth, and bone strengthening. 


Howlite is a super-calming stone and many people use it to relieve stress of all kinds. It makes an excellent antidote to insomnia due to an over-active mind. Focusing on a piece of howlite can assist in journeying outside the body and gaining insight into past lives. Placed on the third eye, it opens memories of precious times and lifetimes. Place howlite stone in your pocket to absorb your own anger - or another's anger that is directed towards you. It helps to overcome critical and selfish behaviour.


Aquamarine is said to be the Stone of Courage and is believed to instil courage, fortitude and to counteract a victim mentally. It energies are calming and it is thought to act to reduce stress and quieten the mind, thus clarifying perception, sharpening the intellect and removing confusion. It is a good stone for promoting creative self expression and for removing blocks in communication. Aquamarine is also believed to give strength to deal with difficult situations and allow you to stay focused under pressure. It is also a great stone for meditation.


Citrine is solidified sunshine! It emits a solar ray of joy, expansive and potent. It connects your centre of will with the Divine, allowing you to use your personal power, mental focus and creative ideas to create a beautiful life. Citrine brings clarity, positivity and joyous transformation. Where you have indecisiveness, fogginess or uncertainty, Citrine can be used to become clear as to which direction to follow. Some keep a piece of Citrine in their wallets to bring a constant flow of money into it! Physically, Citrine is good for stomach trouble, digestion, the thyroid and for the circulatory system. 


Turquoise symbolised the union and balance of Earth and Sky to the ancient peoples of the Southern USA. It is perfect to use when you are feeling out of balance as it realigns and revitalises your cellular structure. It facilitates meditation, bringing you peace of mind and allows you to perceive information psychically. Use it to increase your creativity and speak your truth without fear! Turquoise centres and harmonises while it aligns your Chakras. In meditation it assists you in opening up to loving communication and telepathy. It can help you get more in tune with others. If you are seemingly menaced by misfortune, the stone attracts the imbalance into itself and absorbs the harmful vibrations, sometimes being shattering under the strain. It truly reflects the individual carrying or holding it! Turquoise tunes into your energies and transmits them back into the world. Physically, Turquoise strengthens and tones the entire body.


Zebra Stone can help us connect to Divine energy and love in the universe.  This brings a sense that we can never run out of Divine love or energy, and that in the end, all will be as it should. Knowledge of this kind brings a vitality that can light all our moments. Zebra Stone's quality of seeing past illusion can allow one to avoid the masks people may show which may not match the underlying reality. This.can be helpful in relationships, the workplace, and other environments for being able to relate to and work with what is. Physically, Zebra Stone  is used in crystal healing for stimulating energy, stamina, endurance, bone disorders, osteoporosis, teeth, gums, muscle spasms, blood, lymphatic system, and heart palpitations.  Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.


Heal your Chakra's with this beautiful 7 stone chakra bracelet. This bracelet is made with Clear Quartz (the crown chakra) , Amethyst (the Third Eye Chakra) , Sodalite (the Throat Chakra) , Rose Quartz (the heart Chakra) , Citrine (the Sloar Plexus Chakra) , Carnelian (the sacral Chakra) and Black Obsidian (the Root Chakra).


Green Moss Agate can assist you to make a better connection with the earth and may allow you to make a spiritual connection with the nature spirits. This green crystal can aid you to allow yourself to open to developing specific psychic gifts. This is a strong stone to bring an increase in abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life. Green Moss Agate may aid you to achieve your goals when working to plan exercise and Weight loss.


Smoky Quartz links with the Earth stimulating concern for the environment and inspiring ecological solutions. Use its protective energies to block geopathic stress and absorb electromagnetic smog given off by power lines and electronics. It is invaluable in layouts for environmental healing, and assists elimination and detoxification on all levels, ushering in positive energy in its place.
An extraordinary amulet of protection, Smoky Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. Keep one in a purse, a bag in the glove box or near valuables, especially if left unattended for long periods of time. As a driving crystal, Smoky Quartz protects against road rage and other harm while driving on motorways, on long journeys or in heavy traffic by reducing stress and increasing concentration. It also shields against unexpected mechanical breakdowns.



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