LP Udo Jürgens Durium ms A 77208 Italy press ! /year: P 1968 ? /Vinyl state:3 to 3- Cover:3-, attrition, price tag, backside little writing , with Track Il tempo che fu ( Bossa Nova stuff)

Grading is done like the german school system / Deutsches Schulnotensystem:

All grading of the vinyl sound quality was done by ear / hearing!, alluded !

1 for mega good, mint, new or sealed.. (e.g. the best possible quality)

to (3 is easy)

6 for really bad quality or great for playing Frisbee ;)

Differences/Divergences are marked as:

+ is positive

- is negative

!! is close to the next grading

OK, smile

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Inland: bitte keine Warensendung !!

Porto kommt dazu / Muss bezahlt werden

Bezahlung / payment options:

Please pay in cash oder/or

Überweisung / Money transfer inside Europe is easy ! Or Worldwide

or Paypal !! (Worldwide!)


in Deutschland = 3,89 Euro (das gilt nicht für Poststationen, da teurer, bitte nachfragen)

To all Rest in the World = 6,20 Euro, letter, registered.