Looking for a way to cut down the glare on your Sound Devices 6 series mixer screen?

This sunscreen holds solidly into place by using the grooves found on the edges of the mixer - the same that are used by the plastic cover SD ships with the units. The sunscreen uses these grooves to create a way "locking" the screen to the recorder so it doesn't move around - no need for velcro, tape, or adhesives to keep it on. 

The right side has a cutout to access the headphone knob easier, and the sides are sloped in a little to shield the screen a bit more. Used in conjunction with a cellphone-style plastic screen glare protector, it helps combat glare out in the field. 

NOTE - For extra glare protection, add a piece of black wrap aluminum foil (or even gaff tape) near the top of the screen to create a fold that can come over the top as needed, creating a small flag or tube for “aggressively sunny” days. The screen won’t eliminate glare from directly overhead, mainly the sides – so you may need to be creative in blocking sun with your body/arm. 



Installation Instructions

Step 1 – Slide the small front edge of the screen into the front groove under the bottom edge below the slate mic toggle of your 6 series mixer/recorder and line up the hole in the screen with the slate mic LED.

Step 2 – While applying pressure near the top groove to keep the front edge you just inserted from popping out, flex the screen until the top edge can slide under the groove near the top. Then slide the screen back towards the left making sure the edge is in the groove at the top of the screen. Don’t worry, it is designed to flex.

Step 3- Once the top and bottom edges are in the grooves, you can adjust the screen left and right to preference. Depending on the viewing angle, you may want it to be off-center of the edges sometimes.

This is a 3D printed part, using ABS plastic for greater heat resistance than PLA plastics commonly used in 3D printing. I've looked into producing these with injection molding, but the price would be so high for such a limited market / production run that I've decided to make them available as a more affordable 3D printed part. If there is enough interest in the future I may consider making them available as an injection molded part - but other than not having layer lines it won't be functionally different.

This part fits the Sound Devices 664, 688, and 633 mixers.

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Coming soon - accessories for Lectrosonics SRa / SRb units.