1988 Replica Original Kodak Box Camera (1888 string set Kodak), Mint Condition

It was made in England in 1988 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the first Kodak and has become a collectors item in its own right. It is not a working camera but is presented as the original was in 1888 tied with a red string and seal. It looks very much like the Kodak No. 1 with a few differences.

The Original Kodak was introduced in 1888.  It was the first camera to use roll film.  The film was loaded into the camera at the factory providing up to sixty 2½ inch diameter circular images.  The cicular images are an identifing feature of the Original, No. 1 and the No. 2 camera images.

I have seen estimates of two to five thousand reproductions that were produced by Eastman Kodak in England in 1988 to commemorate the company's one hundredth anniversary.

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