Polaroid CU5, Land Camera + Ratio multiplier 88-7 + battery holder for power pack for CU-5 RING FLASH


Polaroid CU5, Land Camera

film 667 ou equivalent

Polaroid 88-3 3inch lens (Polaroid Macro CU-5 Camera w 75mm 4.5 Tominon Lens #88-14 Hood Gorgeous)

Boitier polaroid


Porte Batterie et pack recharge batterie (battery holder for power pack for CU-5 RING FLASH

For Model 88-20 4 x type D batteries                                                        

Fits at the backside of the Power Pack

Cable d’alimentation


2x Polaroid Ratio multiplier 88-7

+ Ratio multiplier 1-1 Frame,

+ Ratio multiplier  2x Frame

+ Ratio multiplier 3x Frame


Tout est en excellent état

Frais de port 18€

Envoi Rapide, sur et sécurisé !

Remise en main propre possible sur Paris ou Orsay/Les Ulis, Rambouillet, Chartres
