StemFlo is a cutting-edge mixture of antioxidants and special enzymes that support optimal blood flow, even to the smallest capillaries. StemFlo supports the smooth “flow” of adult stem cells and nutrients to all parts of the body assisting and supporting in your body’s Stem Cell Nutrition*. 

In clinical studies, StemFlo was shown to improve blood circulation within thirty minutes of consumption. The studies showed increased blood circulation in capillaries as well as substantial reduction in blood markers associated with fibrin production, too much of which may clog small blood vessels, along with a reduced oxidative stress*.

Product Description

Triple-Action Support for Your Circulatory Health. StemFlo delivers triple-defense response to support your body's ability to naturally renew itself. Comprised of a propriety blend of all-natural herbs, nutrients and botanicals, StemFlo helps to support blood circulation. Backed by Science to Improve Blood Circulation within 30 Minutes. In one study, StemFlo was documented to support optimal blood flow; supporting blood circulation in capillaries by reducing blood markers associated with fibrin production and oxidative stress. Fibrin is a protein that can buildup and impede optimal blood flow. According to Christian Drapeau, Stemtech's Chief Science Officer, "What is unique in the StemFlo formula is the blend of powerful antioxidant and botanical properties, designed to support optimal blood flow in the capillaries. The result is that StemFlo optimizes stem cell delivery to every tissue in the body."

EXP DATES: 1-6/2017, 2 - 9/2017, 1 - 2/2018, 3 - 4/2018, 1 - 10/2018