Originally from the now discontinued Hell Dorado, Squamata Warriors are muscle bound lizard men: larger, stronger and more resilient than a man, these cold blooded warriors are ready to rip and tear all in their path.

Squamata Warriors make for ideal Lizardmen champions or Oldbloods of the more gritty and bloodthirsty persuasion, and as imposing as they are, they would also work well as Kroxigor; though they're a little bit shorter than the original metals from the mid 90s, they are broader and more muscular and will still tower over Skinks.

These inhuman and savage creatures also make perfect Chaos beastmen; there's nothing to say that the gods of Chaos cannot bestow reptilian mutation, and they do, it's just rarely shown in the miniatures, which makes this a perfect candidate. Squamata warriors also make good daemons or demons, depending on your idea of what demons should be.

Whether you want unique Lizardmen for a Mordheim or Song of Blades and Heroes warband, Gator Men for Hordes and Warmachine, demons for Frostgrave, unique beastmen for an RPG, or simply to collect, these Squamata are excellent additions to any collection.

No longer supplied by the manufacturer, the fate of Hell Dorado's masterful sculpts uncertain; don't miss your chance to collect this unique miniature!