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10 semi di Ravenala madagascariensis

-Palma del viaggiatore-

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Nome Comune

Palma del viaggiatore o Albero del viaggiatore

(In lingua malagasy = foglia della foresta)

Località di origine della Specie


La Ravenala è endemica del Madagascar, dove cresce non solo nelle foreste pluviali, ma anche in ampie aree recentemente deforestate.

Luogo di raccolta



Il fusto, lungo in media 8-10 m, può in condizioni ottimali raggiungere i 20 m.

Le foglie, somiglianti a quelle del banano, sono disposte a ventaglio lungo un unico asse e si inseriscono sul fusto con un lungo picciolo, nella cui concavità, rivestita da un guaina, si raccoglie l'acqua piovana.

I fiori sono grandi e numerosi, di colore bianco, ermafroditi, asimmetrici, protetti da grandi brattee.

I frutti sono delle capsule a 6 logge, contenenti numerosi semi, circondati da fibre di colore blu intenso che attirano gli uccelli; tale caratteristica ne favorisce la disseminazione.

La impollinazione è assicurata dai pipistrelli e dai lemuri.

Field number


Note e coltivazione


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10 seeds of Ravenala madagascariensis

-Travellers Palm-

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Common name

Traveller's Tree or Travellers Palm

Place of Origin & Habitat


Location of Collection



The Travelers Palm has a very unique trunk which emerges as it matures. During the beginning years the trunk of the Travelers Palm is underneath the ground. As the Travelers palm grows it loses its fan-like leaves and reveals a brown rigid trunk.

The Travelers Palm has paddle-shaped leaves which are lined symmetrically on a plane. This symmetrical appearance gives a fan-like appearance to the Travelers Palm. The color of the Travelers Palm varies from the tip of the leaves, which is green, to the end of the leaf stem which is yellow.

Field number


Information & Culture


Ravenala madagascariensis, commonly known as Traveller's Tree or Travellers Palm, is a species of banana plant from Madagascar. It is not a true palm (family Arecaceae) but a member of the bird-of-paradise family, Strelitziaceae. It is called the travellers palm because the stems hold rainwater that can be used as an emergency drinking supply. The enormous paddle-shaped leaves are borne on long petioles in a distinctive fan shape aligned in a single plane. Unlike its close relative the Bird-of-paradise flower Strelizia reginae, the flowers are small and inconspicuous. The plant is widely cultivated for its distinctive habit and foliage in tropical and subtropical regions.

Ravenala madagascariensis is the sole member of its genus and is closely related to the southern African genus Strelitzia and the South American genus Phenakospermum. Some older classifications include these genera in the banana family (Musaceae).

Ruffed lemurs are a known pollinator of this plant, and given the size and structure of the inflorescences, as well as the lemur's selectivity, method of feeding, and long muzzle, this relationship is thought to have co-evolved.


The plant requires a sunny spot (not full sun until it is larger). It responds well to fertiliser, especially if it is high in nitrogen during the growing season. This produces better growth and foliage. The plant grows to an average height of 7 meters and requires moderate water.

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