welcome to the listing for my new and improved and now 12volt INDUCTIVE auto bed leveling sensor for ANET A-Series 3D Printers . A8 A6 A2 ---(WARNING THIS IS NOT FOR MKS BOARDS REGARDLESS OF WEATHER THE 3 PIN JST IS THE SAME)

This sensor comes pre-soldered - PLUG AND PLAY- with a LEVEL SHIFT chip by XYGAX-  this allows the sensor to run within its operating spec of 6-36v whilst outputting a 5v signal which protects the sensitive elctronics found in 3d printer controllers and makes this the  SAFEST and MOST RELIABLE PLUG AND PLAY SENSOR ON THE MARKET.

XYGAX is the same company that makes the Smartswitch-  UNIVERSAL 3d printer safety device ;) ..  skynet3dmods are proud to stock some of the fantastic custom mods by Xygax including the smartswitch/ optocoupler sensor chip and series diode sensor chip. They make real quality mods so please check out my other listings to see what is available!  also to note. Xygax's mods are universal for any 3d printer unlike some of the MY other listings which are specific to ANET 3D printers. 

You will need to print your own mounting bracket to use this sensor on your printer running an Anet mainboard-  
You will also need to flash a custom firmware in order to use this sensor.  i recommend skynet3d v2.3.2

in the package you will receive the sensor and the nuts and washers(pic2)

Inductive sensors although they are rated for a sensing distance of 8mm-- this is based on the distance for "mild steel" --  most 3d printer beds are made of aluminium which actually lowers this distance to about 4mm ( please be aware of this before buying) 

connection couldn't be easier. (see pic 4) simply strip back some of the red wire and wrap that around the positive power terminal or find a suitable crimp.. then plug the 3 pin jst into the zmin endstop - flash and configure your firmware and your ready to enjoy all the beautiful auto leveling goodness with the reliability of 12v -  no more messing about with resistors/ diodes or buying an incompatible sensor.

Full instructions on firmware flashing for anet boards and all the software needed to do so can be found on my facebook page in the latest Skynet3d Firmware download (v2.3.2) --  http://www.facebook.com/skynet3dfirmwaredevelopment 
if you require any further assistance with setting up your printer or any of my mods.. please dont hesitate to ask.. ill try my best to reply promptly.. but if that isnt fast enough for you - consider joining the anet a-series Facebook group. link can be found in the top of the skynet3d instruction guide

Items will be posted by royal mail within 1 working day after i've received full payment.

thanks and happy printing

scou@ Skynet3d