The Bicycle Transducer Oriduru deck is a custom deck of cards printed by U.S. Playing Card Co. in the USA for K3 Productions in Japan.

The deck includes 52 cards, two jokers, one gaff card (double back) and one ad card.

Focusing on the culture and oriental style of Japan, we chose the Oriduru as our theme for the design this time round. Oriduru means Paper Cranes folded from origami paper in Japan. An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane. Some stories believe you are granted eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. The crane in Japan is one of the mystical or holy creatures and is said to live for a thousand years! 

For the back design of the cards, we brought in a lot of elements apart from the theme of the deck. We have ALL the pips (including those small corner pips) on the faces of the cards customised based on the foliage scroll, a traditional style in Japan.  
The colors of the court cards have also been changed to have a warm and cosy feel.  

2 identical jokers where designed modernly but with the traditional feel of the folding art of origami.  
The tuck case have also been modernly designed. On the front of the tuck case, we uses metallic silver on the black and white design to provide a 3D contrast.  A double back and ad card will also come with the deck. Last, but not least. The Ace of Spades designed with the theme of Oriduru.




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