HOWDY! This 6.5" x 4.75" x 1.25" Rustic Manzanita Double Shelf Curio display table stand is every bit as unique as the item(s) to be displayed upon it. Made from the root burls of the Manzanita bush / small tree that is native to the mountainous areas of the Sonoran desert and Baja California del Norte, each table is a one of a kind item created using the process described below.

The Manzanita root burls are dug up, trimmed to size, tumbled to remove the excess dirt, and sold to artists and crafters like myself. I bleach them, to enhance the exterior color, and then cut the burls with a band saw into shelf slices and main body pieces as I visualize them. After that, all the pieces are finish sanded and prepared for assembly.

The assembly process on these tables can be time consuming...sometimes it takes me a while to visualize the best fit of shelf slices to base pieces. Also, the shelves need to be level with the base, so various props and weights are needed to hold things in place while the assembly glue dries.

The final step is multiple coats of Helmsman Spar, sides, and make the table ready for any locale you choose. Direct sun and rain exposure should be minimized, if possible...UV light, rain, and extreme temperatures are tough on all finishes...but this item, like my custom signs, will last for many years outdoors with proper maintenance.

This OOAK table is perfect for the display of blown glass animals, small shells, crystals, mineral specimens, pewter figurines, bonsai or suiseki items...whatever small curio items you have that deserve a special place in your collection.

The photos show several different views, some with a ruler for sizing...the fourth photo shows the bottom. I've added a group photo to show the variety of sizes and styles available.

For anyone who loves Rustic or Southwestern Home Decor, this is your chance to purchase handcrafted American Made artwork direct from the artist. Your satisfaction is assured. I thank you, in advance, for your purchase!


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