Kali Linux 2.0 Linux Current 
Live DVD 
Penetration Testing Security Auditing Linux OS
32 Bit Version
Now even better than Backtrack !!
Kali Linux is an advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing Linux distribution.
Kali Linux Features
Kali is a complete re-build of BackTrack Linux adhering completely to Debian
development standards.
All-new infrastructure has been put in place, all tools were reviewed and packaged, and we use
Git for our VCS.
More than 300 penetration testing tools:
Kali Linux Default root Password is toor
Default root Password
During installation, Kali Linux allows users to configure a password for the root user. However, should you decide to boot the live image instead, the 32 Bit Version images are configured with the default root password “toor“, without the quotes.
After reviewing every tool that was included in BackTrack,
we eliminated a great number of tools that either did not work or had other tools available that provided
similar functionality.
Open source Git tree:
We are huge proponents of open source software and our development tree is
available for all to see and all sources are available for those who wish to tweak and rebuild packages.
FHS compliant:
Kali has been developed to adhere to the
Filesystem Hiarchy Standardallowing all
Linux users to easily locate binaries, support files, libraries, etc.
Vast wireless device support:
We have built Kali Linux to support as many wireless devices as we
possibly can, allowing it to run properly on a wide variety of hardware and making it compatible with
numerous USB and other wireless devices.


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This disc contains no illegal software and is 100% open source