The Original Sk8pole is a 3 section light weight (1.8lbs) aluminum pole that reduces to 33 inches and extends to 6’ 4”.

Why is the Sk8pole so good?

 - Simple… It was built by engineers.


Stand-Up-Paddle History:
The Stand Up Paddle Boarding was originally used by Hawaiian surf teacher
which tried to find out a comfortable way to paddle out and have a good overview.
Meanwhile Stand Up Paddle Boarding is super famous - not only in Hawaii. 
And now, there is a way Stand Up Paddle on the land locked asphalt!

You can literally skate for miles without ever touching the ground with your foot. Also, the combination of kicking, pumping and sk8poling will give you a workout and cover distances you never imagined. This is the commuter pole. Perfect for kids, college campuses or adults looking for a fun workout. The adjustable length makes it convenient to strap it to your back pack and carry into class or work. Consistent use may cause your abs to become incredibly ripped.


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