Suitable for Pin-up, Scrapbook, or Album collection.

Printed on 15 x 10 cm. (6 x 4 inch) glossy photo paper.

Eligible for a 100% multiple purchase discount. 


Buy more than one print and you'll only pay postage on your first purchase, even if you choose 20 prints or more.

To qualify for this discount you must purchase your prints all on the same day so that they can be invoiced all together.

The invoice will then be valid for 2 days and, when paid, all your purchases will be packaged together to be dispatched in the same envelope within one working day after payment.

But please note: If you choose to pay for ANY of your prints before you receive the combined invoice, the discount system will automatically become invalid and you will then have to pay the full postage amount for each print that you win. 

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