Adorable Polly Pocket doll house from 1995 Blue Bird Toys PLC.  The house is for the smaller size
Polly Pocket dolls, no dolls are included.  The house opens up and the sides swing out, press the
button on the back and the top pops up, the house is then 8" tall by 11" wide. Doll house has a kitchen
on one side of the first level and a party room on the opposite swing out section. Upstairs are two dressing rooms. 
The top level, the roof flips back and there is a bedroom with a single bed and bunk beds, a bathroom and spiral staircase.
A very detailed Victorian Mansion.  There is a pull out storage space under the front porch. The porch can be extended and
there is a turn wheel to allow a doll to spin around.  The house is in very nice condition, very elaborate!

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