ASP8, ASP6 Repair Diagnosis 

This is a Repair Diagnosis Service for any ONE PAIR of the above units.

After diagnosis we will send you a quote for the repair, if you agree we can move forward, if not we will ship your amps back free of charge.

We can repair any problem with your ASP8 like:

1. Gain adjustment not responding

2. HF adjustment not responding

3. LF adjustment not responding

4. Different levels on each speaker

5. Not enough/too much LF/HF

6. Low output

7. Crackling in tweeter

8. Thumping

9. Noise

10. Blowing fuses/dead amp

You ship the Amplifier board to us, we send you a quote, after you decide if you want to proceed we Repair AND Calibrate it and ship it back to you in better than new working condition. Most repairs fall under the $100 mark for the pair, if your amps need more extensive work done and you don't want to spend more we ship them back free of charge.

What's the difference between a Repair and a Calibration? Typically, a repair shop will repair an Amplifier by replacing only one or two defective components. This will result in an audio imbalance, where the repaired audio amplifier will sound different. By sending both units to us, you can rest assured that both channels are properly calibrated using matched components (for both audio channels). Our service includes a replacement of ALL varied and aged operational amplifiers and potentiometers and calibration to the units flattest response or custom curves at no extra cost (no hidden charges). What you get back is an "Ethically-Calibrated" unit. We can repair any other problems and add better quality components and better cooling. Please contact us for more restoration options. A similar service from Event Repair centers will cost $250+ the cap and cooling upgrade.

We do NOT deviate from the original Amplifier circuit (no experimentation, unless requested) and replace components with a verified and tested Component configuration especially catered to make your Amplifier sound GREAT. All replaced Components are of a Higher Audio Quality (there have been huge improvements in Audio Component quality since the 1990's).

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that you may have regarding this service. Your Amplifier will be worked on with extreme care (treated like a precious jewel). We are professional Electronics Engineers and audiophiles who work on these amplifiers as a hobby. Therefore this is a labor of love and not a commercial proposition. We work on just two units per week at a relaxed pace. The Surgery we perform is of extremely high quality, using the best repair equipment in the world (Metcal, HP, FLUKE, TEKTRONICS, HAKKO equipment) and Cardas Silver Solder. Overseas customers will pay actual shipping costs + actual packaging cost.  

Please dont hesitate to ask any questions.