Pre-owned Parker Brothers Inc. Salem, Mass, New York, London; board and game pieces; deeds, money; dated 1935; chance cards; community chest cards; wood motels; wood houses; 9 game pieces; here is a list of what is included:

1-deeds – all 28; 2-chance cards – 16; 3-community chest – 17; 4-dice – one set; 5-green wooden houses – 27; 6-red wooden motels – 12; 7-wooden players – 10; money original; 7 $500 bills; 25 $100; 16 $20; 48 $10; 23 $5; 26 $1; some of the wooden peoples pegs may be extras; the board is taped in the center; the writing on the board is legible; deeds, cards, money and dice; this 1935 Monopoly game has original paper money “very small bills”; also includes original instructions; RARE COLLECTIBLE set; 3 lb 4 ounces; $70