NutraBio - Creatine Ethyl Ester

Creatine Ethyl Ester Malate Powder (CEEM, CE3)

Advanced absorption and delivery. Pharmaceutical grade for maximum bioavailability. No fillers or additives. 100% Pure - HPLC verified.

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Our pharmaceutical grade Creatine Ethyl Ester Malate (CEEM) is the most innovative form of creatine ever developed. An exceptionally soluble creatine, CEEM results in advanced absorption, increased bioavailability, and stability. Instead of saturating your system in creatine and hoping for absorption, creatine ethyl ester malate directly penetrates the muscle cell resulting in 30 to 40 times more functional creatine. This means no more bloating, cramping or dehydration. Creatine non responders are for the first time starting to experience the phenomena of creatine. Expect to notice an immediate improvement in lean mass, strength, muscularity, performance, and recovery.

  • Volumize muscle size improving strength and power.
  • Dramatically boost strength and improve athletic performance.
  • Quickly replenish ATP for peak power output.
  • Maximize your body's production of energy.
  • Buffers lactic acid for added reps and more intense workouts.
  • No cramping or upset stomach.
  • Highly bio-available with superior absorption.
  • Great for creatine "Non Responders".
  • No cramping, bloating or water retention.

Also available in powder, capsules, and other sizes. Click here for other options.

Want to see our FDA inspected GMP manufacturing facility, click here.

This product is Vegetarian - Hypoallergenic - Pharmaceutical Grade.

To pay by credit card call NutraBio at 888-688-7224 or 732-748-8606.
Business hours are Monday - Friday between 9AM and 5:30PM EST.

Creatine ethyl ester malate is the next generation of Creatine Ethyl Ester and takes creatine supplementation to a whole new level. First there was creatine monohydrate, then creatine ethyl ester and now creatine ethyl ester malate. CEEM delivers unequaled cell volumizing nutrients to every muscle in the body. No loading, no cycling, no hard to swallow tablets, no sugar, no stomach bloat, no water retention, no old school creatine weight gain.

Nothing is more important than saturating your muscles with creatine immediately after your workout. Post-workout creatine supplementation is essential for replacing creatine stores lost during training, speeding recovery, volumizing the muscle cell, increasing muscle density and hardness, and activating a powerful growth growth phase. Creatine ethyl ester malate is quickly absorbed, fast acting creatine transport gives your muscle a creatine rush never experience before.

Benefits of ethyl Ester versions of creatine:

Creatine Ethyl Ester is creatine with an ester molecule attached. Esters are organic compounds that help shuttle the creatine across lipid membranes of the gut and directly into the bloodstream for direct transport to your muscle cells. Since regular creatine monohydrate is not fully absorbed, the unabsorbed creatine will draw water outside of the muscle cell and will result in "creatine bloat." With CEE, the absorption of esterified creatine will be increased and the infamous "creatine bloat" will be eliminated! Users report substantial increases in strength, with none of the gastrointestinal discomfort or water bloat associated with the monohydrate form.

Creatine Ethyl Ester doesn't cause transporter downgrade:

Creatine monohydrate requires a creatine transporter protein for its uptake into muscle cells. Some research has shown that chronic supplementation with regular creatine can cause creatine transporter downgrade. This means creatine cannot efficiently be taken up by the muscle cell. Creatine transporter downgrade is a non-issue with Creatine-ethyl ester because it uses ethyl ester as a transporter.

Works for creatine "Non Responders":

A portion of the population finds that they get little or no results from creatine and have been categorized as creatine non-responders. If you are a creatine non-responder than Creatine Ethyl Ester is a great option for you. The fact is, you can't experience the incredible effects of creatine unless your muscular creatine concentrations reach optimal levels. Creatine Ethyl Ester maximizes creatine absorption and concentration in the muscle by taking advantage of ethyl ester as a transporter of creatine.

Warning - Fake CEE has hit the Internet - Beware: sells only legitimate Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL which has been lab tested for potency and purity. Don't be fooled by competitors that blend creatine monohydrate and ethyl ester and call it creatine ethyl ester, it's not. Legitimate CEE is made of creatine that has been chemically bonded to the ethyl ester to form a single molecule. The cheap blended so called CEE is not chemically bonded and is not effective because the body treats the creatine and the ethyl ester as 2 separate molecules. Since the ethyl ester is not chemically bonded to the creatine it can't act as a shuttle to carry the creatine across the lipid membranes. Amino Therapy Amino Acids

Expiration 30 months minimum
Grade pharmaceutical
Purity 99.7%+ purity (HPLC)
Taste sour taste
Solubility soluble
Appearance white crystalline powder
Odor none/slight
pH n/a
Classification sports, ATP
CAS Registry n/a
Synonyms CEEM, CE3
Molecular Formula n/a
Molecular structure


Creatine Boosts Muscle Strength, Strength and Endurance:

Creatine is one of the most researched and important sports supplements today. It has become a must for athletes wanting to increase workout intensity while delaying the onset of fatigue. Research has shown that supplementing with creatine can boost muscle size, strength and endurance, improve athletic performance, and speed muscle recovery. Saturating your muscles with creatine improves your body's ability to quickly replenish and recycle ATP, which increases muscle energy and delays muscle fatigue. Studies show that when athletes supplement with creatine while weight training, they can quickly gain lean body mass and strength.

Creatine may Act as a Lactic Acid Buffer Improve Exercise Recovery Time.

Lactic acid is a bi-product from anaerobic (without oxygen) exercise, such as weight training. Lactic acid is responsible for the 'burning' sensation when the muscle becomes fatigued. When you cannot train anymore, it is due to you either having run out of energy or a build up of lactic acid. Creatine may act as a buffer for this lactic acid, which helps to delay the onset of fatigue.

Creatine Stimulates Protein Synthesis:

It has been demonstrated that creatine may also promote muscle growth by stimulating protein synthesis in two ways. Firstly, from the increased work you are able to do as a result of its energy replenishing actions. Secondly is that the more creatine phosphate (CP) that is stored in muscle, the more water is drawn into muscle making it fuller and stronger. With more CP and water in muscle, the volume increases, and the muscle cell is volumized or 'super-hydrated'. A volumized muscle helps to trigger protein synthesis, minimize protein breakdown and increase glycogen synthesis (Haussinger 1996; 1996). If a muscle is then trained properly, this could lead to enhanced muscle growth. The muscle 'pump' experienced when using creatine is reported to be much more intense, and this is as a result of the cell volumizing effect.

CEEM Taste:

Creatine Ethyl Ester Malate has a very sour taste that can be hidden well in beverages. One of the benefits to CEEM over its predecessor creatine ethyl ester HCl (CEE) is that it has a much better taste. CEE has a very bad, bitter, acidic taste which many people cannot stomach but CEEM has a much more palatable taste and is the new alternative to CEE.

Suggested Use:

Training Days: As a dietary supplement, take 1 serving 30-45 minutes prior to exercise and 1 serving immediately after exercise. A third dose can be taken later in the day.
Non Training Days: Take 1 scoop with first meal of the day, take second serving with a meal at least 6 hours later.
Loading Phase: Mix 1 scoop with water or your favorite beverage four to five times daily for first five days of use. Separate doses at least 2 hours apart. Loading is not necessary but the time to muscle saturation will be 2-3 weeks faster.

For best results:

The product contains creatine so consume adequate water when using. A s a general guideline consume at least an extra 16 ounces of water daily for each serving.


NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. Women who are pregnant, breast feeding or lactating, diabetics, hypoglycemics, and people with known medical conditions and/or taking drugs should consult with a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to taking dietary supplements. Read all label warning before taking creatine or any nutritional supplement. For more information click creatine safety. Drink at least 16-32 ounces of additional water per day when using this or any type of creatine.

Read what our customers say about this product:

"I just wanted to tell you that I have tried almost every kind of creatine products on the market. Yours are the best, and I simply want to say keep up the great quality and the awesome prices." B. Culton

"I received the order today. I have ordered from you guys before and was very pleased with the creatine I had gotten. I had immediate success...but the best thing is the price is right. Thanks again for great products and great prices. See you soon." C. Simmons

How does creatine work?

Studies show that when athletes supplement with creatine while weight training, they can quickly gain lean body mass and strength - sometimes within a week. A study conducted by the University of Memphis divided 63 athletes into three groups. The groups were given either a protein and carbohydrate supplement with creatine monohydrate, a protein and carbohydrate supplement without creatine monohydrate, or a carbohydrate placebo. In one month, the athletes taking creatine monohydrate gained 5-7 pounds of lean mass which far exceeded the two groups not taking creatine.

Muscle cells generate mechanical work from an energy liberating chemical reaction -- ATP is split into ADP and P (phosphate). ATP can be used by muscle cells very quickly, but there is only an extremely limited supply -- usually only enough for a few seconds of high intensity work. When the ATP is gone, work stops. Fortunately, the body has several ways to convert ADP back to ATP. The fastest method is to move the phosphate group off of phosphocreatine and onto ADP. This yields ATP -- which is immediately available for muscular work -- and creatine. There is enough phosphocreatine to keep ATP levels up for several more seconds. So at this point we've moved from 2 - 3 seconds of all-out work (ATP) to almost 10 seconds (ATP + creatine).

The body can recharge creatine back to phosphocreatine, but this takes time (approximately 30-60 seconds). This ATP + creatine system makes up the fastest component of the anaerobic system, and is most used by power athletes. A good example is trench warfare in football (i.e., 6 seconds of all out force, followed by 45 seconds of standing around).

NutraBio Pure
An unprecedented commitment to
quality, purity and freshness since 1996!

We manufacture in our own FDA registered and inspected GMP facility:

Since 1996, NutraBio has manufactured the purest pharmaceutical grade products available. We manufacture in the United States in our own FDA registered and inspected facility to meet FDA 21 CFR Part 111 cGMP regulations. All ingredients undergo state-of-the-art analysis to insure zero tolerance for impurities.

Truthful and Clear Supplement Facts Panels - No BS Proprietary Blends:

A proprietary blend is a cheap gimmick used by manufacturers to hide the real truth about what's in their product. By listing a bunch of ingredients under one blend on the label, the manufacturer only has to tell you how much of the blend is in a serving while hiding how much of each ingredient is in a serving. They pretend to this to protect their secret formula, that’s bull, they do it so they can cheapen their product without their customers knowing. In the industry we call this “Window Dressing” the product the label looks good on the outside but there is nothing really happening on the inside. At NutraBio our Supplement Facts panels list the exact amount of each and every active ingredient in the supplement. No guessing, you know exactly what you are getting in every product we sell.

Purchase manufacturer direct at wholesale price:

Buy directly from the manufacturer and save. We cut out the middlemen and pass the savings on to you. With NutraBio, you pay the same low wholesale price that the chain stores pay. Did you know that most companies do not manufacture their products but use 3rd party manufacturers? Since we manufacture all of our own products we can control the quality and purity through the entire manufacturing process. We never sell old or near expired products.

To pay by credit card call NutraBio at 888-688-7224 or 732-748-8606.
Business hours are Monday - Friday between 9AM and 5:30PM EST.
