I have a scratch built Thunderhawk Gunship for sale. It has been designed in Autocad and is largely built from foamcore board. It is to the proper scale of the Forge World Thunderhawk and is incredibly well detailed. The model has been given an Iron Warriors colour scheme and iconography, but would fit in well with almost any Space Marine army. The heavy bolters can be swivelled and the wings are removable for ease of storage and transportation. It includes custom made stand to use with the Thunderhawk on the table. It supports the model well and does so at an appropriate height. 

This is a great way to add a cheap, light, and fun to use Lord of War to your games of Warhammer 40,000 or Horus Heresy games. 

The Ork Boy miniature is not included, it's in the picture to demonstrate scale. 

Thanks for your interest, happy bidding!