Monsters (x22):

Prediction Princess Tarotrei (x3) - Secret Rare

Prediction Princess Petalelf (x3) - Super Rare

Prediction Princess Coinorma (x3) - Super Rare

Prediction Princess Crystalline (x3) - Super Rare

Prediction Princess Astromorrigan (x3) - Super Rare

Prediction Princess Arrowsylph (x3) - Super Rare

Djinn Prognosticator of Rituals (x2) - Super Rare

Djinn Presider of Rituals (x2) - Super Rare

Spells (x9):

Prediction Ritual (x3) - Super Rare

Mystical Space Typhoon (x2) - Common

Enemy Controller (x2) - Common

Monster Reincarnation (x2) - Common

Traps (x9):

Black Cat-astrophe (x3) - Super Rare

Reverse Reuse (x3) - Super Rare

Waboku (x3) - Common