DuraMale 3 month supply = 3 bottles

(60 Capsules in 1 bottle), GENUINE, FRESH 

What is DuraMale

 DuraMale is a completely natural remedy to delay ejaculation and promote a very satisfying and pleasurable sexual life. DuraMale is an herbal remedy that has a unique combination of potent herbs that help in delaying ejaculation, increasing erection and improving libido. It works towards prolonging your sexual intimacy with a healthier grasp of ejaculation control. DuraMale is formulated by a team of herbal researchers, health and nutritional professionals and pharmaceutical scientists who have looked after your sexual needs in the best possible ways!


Results Against Time Period

1 Month

A group of men who previously complained of ejaculating within a minute, noticed that their average retention time increased to 7 minutes after they started using DuraMale.

3 Months

The same men noticed that within 3 months their ejaculation retention time increased to 13 minutes.

6 Months

The ejaculatory time was extended to 16 minutes in the same group of men between the 5th & 6th months of DuraMale therapy.

With DuraMale – watch out for the following changes that you and your partner always desired:



Dosage:  Take 1–2 capsules daily orally after meals.

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