Chocolate Ghost Chilli Bhut Jolokia Naga Pepper Seeds x 10+

...One of the world's hottest chillies...

For lovers of hot chillies Chilli Bhut Jolokia is unsurpassable! Measuring in at 1,000,000 units on the 'Scoville scale!, it's a very very very hot pepper! Ideal for pot or greenhouse growing, it produces an abundance of 5-8cm long, orange/red pods, which can be frozen but are better dried. Sow February-April under glass 18-21°C (65-70°F) for culture in a greenhouse or sheltered position outdoors. 

If you require any further information please don't hesitate to contact me

I am also selling Carolina Reaper Chilli Pepper Super Hot Seeds... Peter Pepper Chilli and scorpion chilli...

Please check out my other items for more seeds...