Hello. This auction is for a used Nikken PiMag Aqua Pour gravity water filtration system, model number 1360, pictured. The quickest place I found a pdf manual for this is on the following page:


and looking up this model number.  They combine quite a few different technologies in this system; even the water dispenser spout is magnetic. Check out the manual and read all the different information; some more background information you might find on the Nikken website.

For comparison, Nikken has transitioned to a newer model number of this type of product, the 1384, which retails for $250. This 1360 includes everything you see, which is almost everything you'll need to set this up. You will need to buy a new filter cartridge, but don't worry, Nikken still sells those, along with all of the other replaceable components of this system:


The sponge pre-filter is in good condition, and I don't think the ceramic filter was ever used (these are alternate choices depending upon your water quality that go in the topmost compartment where the water is poured into initially, then gravity filters the water into the bottom compartment for dispensing and storage). The stones in the bottom compartment are meant to add back vital minerals to your purified water and are therefore technically optional. I'm not certain how old these are so you may wish to get new ones, though it certainly can't hurt to use these, just might not have as many minerals left in them. I have personally cleaned all of these pieces. We currently don't have room for this in the refrigerator with two people on very different diets, one minimal gluten and carbohydrates, one vegetarian. Thank you, and enjoy!