Everything is in great condition. All the games are tested and working. This includes everything the game originally came with except the manual for Monster Hunter Portable 1 . The game will play on both the Japanese and U.S PSPs. Check your PSPs software version to make sure it is up to date. The language is Japanese. This sale includes the Japanese versions of Monster Hunter Portable 1, 2G, & 3rd.

Game descriptions:

Monster Hunter Freedom is the PSP version of Monster Hunter G with extra features, such as new colored bosses and a Felyne kitchen. Monster Hunter Freedom is the Westernized name, while Monster Hunter Portable is used in Japan. Both games are essentially the same.

Description from monsterhunter.wikia.com

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is the western release of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G. It was released across America on June 22, 2009, Australia on the 25th of June, and Europe on the 26th of June. With over 500 hours of gameplay and previously unreleased monsters, weapons and missions, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is the biggest game of the series so far. Via Ad-Hoc functionality, players can experience the social gaming phenomenon that’s gripping Japan and adventure with up to four friends for a thrilling and savaging multiplayer hunting party. From devising the strategy to executing the attack, team play with your friends is going to be key to hunting down the ferocious beasts.

Description from monsterhunter.wikia.com

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Capcom, which was released in Japan in 2010.

Description from Gamefaqs.com

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