AK Striker for PS3 move. Compatible with CS GO, KILLZONE 3, GOLDEN EYE RELOADED, RESIDENT EVIL HD COLLECTION, HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4, CABELAS BIG GAME HINTER, DUST 514, TIME CRISIS RAZING STORM, RESISTANCE 3, MIB ALIEN CRISIS AND MORE!! The AK Striker is a true replica to the world's most popular weapon, the AK 47. Specifically designed for first person shooter games, the AK Striker is the ultimate controller attachment for the PS3 move. With a unique ability to transform from a rifle to a sub machine gun, it allows the player to adjust to various types of gameplay with ease. Whether you are left or right handed, a rookie or a veteran, the AK Striker brings any game one step closer to reality.


Retractable and removable shoulder stock

Fully functional housing for both the PS3 move and navigation controls

3 firing modes: single shot, burst, automatic

Face buttons on game handle

Attachable shoulder strap