Costs per gallon of I/S:  

20 PPM = $34.00 plus $12.99 S&H in a USPS PRIORITY MAIL MEDIUM FLAT RATE BOX.
30 PPM = $39.00  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
40 PPM = $44.00  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
50 PPM = $49.00  """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Bear in mind that the weight of a single gallon package shipped in a USPS Priority Mail Medium Flat Rate Box with packing is pushing 10 pounds and the actual cost is $13.45 shipping cost. MORE than the advertised shipping rate of $12.99. UPS is worse! 

If you have any questions, please ask and I will respond with as accurate information as possible.

All too often, I am asked about the size of an Ion particle. (An atom)
The size of an isolated atom can't be measured because we can't determine the location of the electrons that surround the nucleus. 
We can estimate the size of an atom, however, by assuming that the radius of an atom is half the distance between adjacent atoms. 
The average size of a human cell varies quite a lot. A single nerve cell can be up to a meter long while a cheek cell averages about 50 micrometers or .05 mm. (.0019 thousandth of an inch)
The average cell though is between 10 micrometers and 100 micrometers. There are more atoms in a tablespoon of Ionic silver than any adult has in the cells in their body! 

What is an ion?

An ion is a charged atom or molecule. It is charged because the number of electrons do not equal the number of protons in the atom or molecule. An atom can acquire a positive charge or a negative charge depending on whether the number of electrons in an atom is greater or less then the number of protons in the atom.

When an atom is attracted to another atom because it has an unequal number of electrons and protons, the atom is called an ION. If the atom has more electrons than protons, it is a negative ion, or ANION. If it has more protons than electrons, it is a positive ion.

W. Clemens, President & CEO


Here's an inexpensive test of any silver solution's quality. (ionic or colloidal) Get two small same size containers, glass or plastic. In each container, put in a block of cheese, any kind, about 3/8" to 1/2" cube size about center. Fill one container, about 1" over top of cheese with your tap water. Do the same in other container with the silver solution. Mark them for identification. Cover each with aluminum foil folded over sides of container or seal them off somehow. Put them some place where they won't be disturbed and where you can observe the transformations (breakdown). In several days, you should notice the discolorations of the solutions as the bacteria is fighting, and trying to overcome and survive in the Ionic Silver Solution. At about this time, five days or more, remove the covers. SMELL each container, recommend the silver solution first. The tap water container WILL make your nostril hairs curl because the bacteria is thriving. If the silver solution container has NO ODOR, that's good quality silver solution. IF, you detect an odor, It's junk silver solution that you bought and will have NO VALUE for your use.

NOW, you will know about your supplied water's quality & the quality of the silver solution. BY THE WAY, this also works if you use bottled water in lieu of tap water. 
Our ionic silver from CLEMENS LABORATORY is pure ionic silver and kills all the bacteria. You WILL notice no odor. It can be compared to ANY manufacturer's silver solution with confidence. Satisfy yourself and check it out! 
OR, ask the manufacturer if their silver solution will pass this simple test! You will be surprised at what they state to you.

What does Ionic Silver (I/S) taste like?

                Depending on the concentration, it is ionized pure distilled water with a very mild taste. It is so mild; kids take it with no problem. However, the higher the concentration, the bitterer or even a metallic taste is evident. Although a 5 to 10 PPM solution is sufficient; we start our Ionic Silver productivity at 20 PPM. Each individual, upon their discretion, can dilute the strength if they desire, but most individuals just ingest the 20 PPM as received. If you do dilute our Ionic Silver, make sure you use only quality “DISTILLED” water. NOTHING ELSE! Although not critical, it is recommended to use a Totally Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter to guide you to the desired PPM to be close. Please make certain your TDS meter is calibrated closer to the low scale (mean range of 100) and not up around 1000 and above. If so, you will probably get a false reading. Contrary to popular belief, equal parts of distilled water and Ionic Silver of any concentration (PPM) does not cut the Ionic Silver Solution to 50% of the initial PPM. Temperature, humidity, contamination and surprisingly, the type of light will affect the concentration mass.    

 Don't You Need Glass Bottles?

No. High Density Poly-Ethylene (HDPE) or equivalent is the standard food grade plastic, colored, shaded, transparent or frosted like that you buy milk and distilled water in, as it is one of the few plastics without a plasticizer that may leach out! We know of Silver over fifteen years old stored in the original clear gallon HDPE container and it still measures the same within 1.5%. Glass, being a crystalline material could actually degrade the life, as it provides nucleation sites for crystal growth (plate out) over a lengthy time. However, some silver ions seem unpredictable and defy the laws of physics. They can coagulate anywhere, anytime, on any surface, but it’s not a concern. In layman’s terms, it’s just a group of ions that bonded together. Sometimes they can be unbounded by vigorous shaking. If not, just let them be. To reiterate, do not be concerned.

 What is the best storage of Ionic Silver?

Refrigeration is not required for any of the products. To maximize shelf life* it is best to: Avoid storing your Ionic Silver at temperatures above 80 F. and below 35 degrees F. Store container to avoid direct sunlight. For long-term storage keep it in a cupboard, or a cool, dry place. (Room Temperature) Room temperature is generally considered to be between 68 & 77 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is recommended not to drink directly from the container, due to possible backwash. Instead, pour from the container into a smaller CLEAN dispenser. Do not pour any unused liquid back into the container. Try not to contaminate the containers with anything, like Q-tips, cotton balls, straws, food utensils, and do not double dip. Either spray, use eye dropper or saturate material with a sprayer bottle or pour silver onto desired material. Remember, what you pour out of the container, should stay out of the container!

 We know the long history of silver's uses but are there contemporary studies that support the use of Ionic / Colloidal Minerals?

In the late 1970s, Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of The Body Electric was studying regeneration of limbs, spinal cords and organs. He discovered that silver ions promote bone growth and kill surrounding bacteria. In 1978, the March issue of Science Digest included an article called "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter", which said in part, "Thanks to eye opening research, silver is emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic fights perhaps a half dozen different disease organisms; but silver fights some 650 and possibly all that exist. Moreover, silver is virtually nontoxic." In the same article, Dr. Harry Margraf, a biochemist, says, "Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have.”  The pharmaceutical companies would love you to believe otherwise for obvious reasons. Their high profit margins would be drastically reduced on certain products, not to mention that some would get phased out totally and many doctor’s kickbacks would also cease. <NOTE: That’s another obvious reason why most doctors do not support or recommend the use of silver solutions! Yet it’s ironic that many medical facilities use Ionic Silver for various applications. They spray topical areas, as it permeates with no odor. Most medical dressings are now impregnated with ionic silver. (Amazing!)

 Why does Ionic Silver take longer to work when antibiotics have been used?

A few antibiotics do work abruptly, but the use of antibiotics impairs the body's immune system from fighting fungal infections and in many cases actually causes outbreaks of candida and other fungal infections. Many infections are fungal based, including most sinus infections. Severe overuse of antibiotics can cause the immune system to crash leading to immune deficiency related ailments including chronic fatigue. Low-level bacterial, fungal and viral infections can thrive in the body when the immune system becomes impaired. Unlike some antibiotics that do work, the host can, in many cases, develop a resistance to antibiotics. That is why many antibiotics don’t work, even if they have worked for you in prior usage.

 The silver ions destroy the host by suffocation. The host can’t function with the ions attached to it and they can’t be dislodged. Once they come in contact with the host, they latch on until the host is lifeless and stay with it until all are expelled from the body. We’re talking here of body cell size organisms. The ions are smaller than body cells. To replenish friendly bacteria, follow a healthy no-sugar diet and begin a natural program to strengthen your immune system. Ionic Silver will be a strong complimentary addition towards your wellness goal.

 Why can symptoms seem to worsen in a few individuals when Ionic Silver is initially used?

A condition called Herxheimer reaction, also referred to as a healing crisis, may occur. As bacterial, viral and fungal micro-organisms are destroyed they release toxins. These toxins, along with the body's natural process of purging them from the system, can lead to achy, flu-like symptoms. The resulting discomfort may be present for 2 to 3 days to a week or so. Increase the premium water you are drinking to aid in the detoxifying process. This is not a common complaint, but is possible in very few people. It is considered rare and temporary. We have sold over several thousand gallons of different PPM Ionic Silver since the year 2000, and so far, not one feedback complaint has been received regarding a Herxheimer reaction. If a person has an unknown systemic situation and they start out taking the silver 5-7 plus times a day for a cold coming on, it could also start to rock and roll the systemic microorganisms. To reiterate, this is extremely rare. Everyone's detoxifying abilities are different.

 Does Ionic Silver harm the beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract?

No! Not when taking normal dosages. Ionic Silver is absorbed sublingually first, then in the stomach lining. That is why it is preferred to take the doses on an empty stomach or prior to eating anything to give the ions the opportunity to be absorbed into the bloodstream and not absorbed by the food. The small amount of silver taken at one time usually does not go further than the stomach and possibly small intestines. At normal doses it passes through the mucus membrane, stomach and small intestine walls and into the bloodstream before reaching the large intestine. The large intestine (or colon) contains the beneficial bacteria that aid in food digestion. In the event that someone took a large amount of Ionic Silver, say 8 ounces, for several days, for a particular issue, it is possible that some would reach the large intestine where it could possibly affect beneficial bacteria. In this event, the bacteria could be replaced by taking an acidophilus supplement or eating cultured, live bacteria food (plain Yogurt, Kefir, Cheese). Even if nothing was done, the friendly bacteria would replace themselves within a few days. Ionic silver is not able to destroy the friendly bacteria in a manner like an anti-biotic. Probiotic supplements are beneficial to take during and after any illness.

 Can Ionic Silver be taken along with prescription drugs?

Yes. Ionic Silver will not interfere with or interact with medications. It does not interact with medications, herbs, or supplements. It is very important to support your body with herbs, vitamins and minerals. The ionic silver is complimentary to any maintenance or therapeutic treatment program you may be already taking.

 Is Ionic Silver safe to take during pregnancy?

We do not have any scientific studies that can prove that it is safe to use during pregnancy. It is believed to be safe and many users have used it during pregnancy. No adverse effects have ever been reported. However, no tests or studies have been done on pregnant women that we know of.

 Can Ionic Silver be taken by a nursing mother?

We do not have any scientific studies that can prove that it is safe to use by a nursing mother. It is believed to be safe and many users have used it while nursing. No known adverse effects have ever been reported for mother or child.

 Are other silver products with higher concentrations (PPM's) more powerful?

They are not and may pose risks! It is all about the particle size, ions vs. particles and charge, not the PPM's. Ironically, the smaller the silver particle, the more powerful its’ energy. Remember, when taking a silver ion solution, “CONSISTENCY & FREQUENCY” are the keys to obtain the best results. You need a product that you can safely take multiple doses throughout the day or night. When you take a dose of our ionic silver your body (cells) takes in what they need or can use and the rest is flushed out via the body's natural elimination processes in about 2 hours. That’s why consuming a high concentration of I/S is actually wasting your ionic silver. So, when one wants to strengthen or boost the immune system, fight off an illness or battle a serious health issue already in progress, it is recommended that you take multiple doses throughout the time. To obtain the best or the desired results using any silver solution you need to be able to SAFELY take multiple daily/nightly doses. 1 or 2 (even 3) tablespoons of high quality I/S (very minimum 5-7 PPM), TWENTY is PLENTY, and that ionic silver solution contains more than enough silver ions to provide an adequate dose to each and every cell in your body! We are so used to thinking "MORE IS BETTER" but in this case "FREQUENCY & CONSISTENCY IS BETTER." It works for most humans & animals alike.

 Does Ionic Silver cause Argyria or "Blue Skin"? (pronounced: ar-jeer’-ria)

Argyria is a discoloration of the skin wherein the skin turns a blue-gray color as a result of over exposure to certain forms of silver, especially COLLOIDAL SILVER, due the fact that the silver particles are larger than ions and collect in body tissues over time. Argyria is known to be caused by ingesting; 1) silver salts (compounds) such as silver nitrate, 2) very high concentrations of silver in any form, 3) protein based silver products AKA "silver protein" or "mild silver protein". Those conditions resulted from poor quality homemade silver used in excess internally and/or externally for a long period of time. The condition actually does not cause harm to organs but does discolor the skin.

 Does Ionic Silver accumulate in the organs of the body?

There are no metallic particles contained in our Ionic Silver. They are filtered out during the manufacturing process. The ions do not accumulate in body tissues or any organs like colloidal silver does. The ions are passed out of the body along with what they have destroyed (ex: bacteria, viruses, germs, etc.) within a few hours of being ingested.

 *Re: Shelf Life. It has been determined since the year 2000 AD, our monitored Ionic Silver has not lost potency of more than 1.5% of its’ original measured PPM. However, as prior stated, temperature, humidity, and type of light does affect the ionic concentration (PPM), but not the potency.  

 On rare occasions, a buyer will inform us of THEIR testing of the concentration of a gallon of our IONIC SILVER and that it tests out to a number substantially less or higher than what is on the label. If this should happen, please consider doing the following, especially if you use one of those inexpensive aquarium type TDS meters as they are not as accurate as the state of the art TDS measuring equipment used. Make sure the probes are clean and DO NOT use a cleaner that could leave a film. That will aid in a false reading. Check its’ accuracy with a calibration fluid with a mean range around 100 PPM (not 1000, 3000 or 10,000), then adjust accordingly by the manufacturer’s recommendations. Using a 1000 PPM mean range testing fluid, if the accuracy tolerance is +/- 2%, your meter could be off up to 20 PPM or anywhere in between or above, depending on the accuracy tolerance of the calibration fluid which should be printed on the packets or container.   

 AGAIN, emphasis is on understanding that if you notice any shades of color other than clear, this is normal phenomenon. Contrary to other’s belief that something may be wrong with the solution is a misnomer. Some individuals believe it may be the origin of the silver (where it is mined from) or the manufacturer’s process to certified purity. We believe it is the RATE of ion extraction from the silver media that determines the shades of the solution. In layman’s terms, if the silver ions are extracted slow with minimal power, the solution will be clear. If the ions are extracted at an accelerated rate with increased power, the solution will be of another shade. It could be cloudy, whitish, darkened, caramel color (apple juice appearance). It’s like silver ions on steroids!  However, do not be concerned. It’s been this way for years. All is still OK.  

  The Top 5 Health Benefits of Ionic Silver Water
Ionic Silver Water

Ionic Silver Water Overview

What might be the medical breakthrough of the century, ionic silver water has recently been found to have a number of health benefits. Silver is legendary for its ability to kill bacteria and other microbes and its use dates back to ancient Roman times. Individuals of this era would put silverware in their water in order to keep it disinfected.

According to experts who have done further studies on the germ fighting power of silver, it is still the most effective defense against microbes. Many types of bacteria and other pathogens develop an immunity to antibiotics. Because of this, it’s said that even the newest line of antibiotics can only kill about 650 germs at a time. The appeal of silver water is that reports claim of NO GERM can develop an immunity to silver.

Ionic Silver Water Benefits

  • Eliminates Bacteria and Toxins – As mentioned earlier, silver has been found to be the bane of many different forms of bacteria, fungi, toxins, and other potentially harmful microbes. Studies have shown that when ingested, silver will suffocate the air supply of the microbes and leave them no food or oxygen in which to thrive.
  • Checks Cancer – Preliminary studies have shown silver to be a great element for fighting cancer. Scientists suggest that silver can help regenerate dead cells within the body and help to undo the effects and eventually eliminate harmful cancer cells.
  • Respiratory Repair – Seen as one of the only alternative treatments for respiratory infections and conditions. Silver water has been known to open air passages and allow for a better stream of oxygen to flow into the lungs. May respiratory infections are the result of accumulated bacteria within the lungs that silver can easily kill.
  • Regeneration – Silver has been found to have regenerative properties in the liver and other vital organs. It’s ability to kill bacteria gives cells the ability to repopulate without being inhibited by harmful elements within the body. Because of this great power, ionic silver water has not only been know to rid the body of harmful materials, but in some cases help make the body younger.
  • Increased Energy – In today’s fast paced world, it seems as though energy is at a premium. Many foods and beverages simply don’t offer the necessary energy to get through the day. The ionic silver in water is a great and natural way to fight the onset of fatigue. Ionic silver water targets and neutralizes bacteria that prevents food from being turned into energy.