Ars Magica 5th Edition

The Cradle & The Crescent

Developed Covenants

komplett englisch

Angeboten wird das o.g. Quellenbuch für das Ars Magica System erschienen bei Atlas Games im Jahr 2011.

Das Quellenbuch ist komplett in englisch und 192 Seiten stark, Hardcover.

Das Quellenbuch ist Neu.

The Sourcebook is new.

Produktbeschreibung des Herstellers

Travelers tell of lands to the east, beyond the shattered Byzantine Empire and the Crusader kingdoms of Outremer, where sorcerers ride carpets and whirlwinds, where jinn worship and trade openly in the great cities, and where fire is the sign of God.
Those travelers speak the truth.

Take your saga to the east, with details of the Islamic lands of the Mythic Middle East: Arabia, Persia, and the lands beyond. Zoroastrian priests still call on Divine power, although their days of glory are long over, and scholars rejoice in libraries and schools that dwarf the young universities of Europe. Jinn haunt the deserts and mountains, and live and trade in the cities. But this is not a land ready for Hermetic magi to seize, for the Order of Suleiman is no myth, and its sahirs are everywhere.

Were you to tell of these lands for a thousand nights, still you would not exhaust their wonders!

Verlag: Atlas Games
Themengebiet: Ars Magica
Kategorien: Bücher / Rollenspiele
Zusatzinfo: Quellenbuch
EAN: 9781589781238
Format: 29 cm × 22.5 cm × 2 cm
Gewicht: 0.7 kg
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.12.2011


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