2 meters NORDOST VALHALLA REFERENCE POWER in US 20amp cable is in NEAR MINT condition.

This is original Nordost cable in length and connectors. 20 amp IEC installed by Nordost.

Basically, this cable is the BEST of Both worlds: it’s been used so it’s mostly broken in electrically, but it’s in EXCELLENT condition cosmetically. It will sound GREAT as soon as you use it AND it will look almost NEW! Don’t forget: cables are the one (and probably only) audio component that gets better with usage.

Valhalla was probably the BEST AC power cable in the world priced below $10,000.

Valhalla Reference Power Cord set the same benchmark standard in its category as the other Valhalla cables did in theirs. Due to the application of their micro mono-filament technology, the Valhalla power cable enjoys an even bigger margin of performance over the competition – it is a difference you can hear.

Roy Gregory, in Hi Fi+ Issue 28 said: ”A fully wired Valhalla system delivers phenomenal musical presence and purpose. Instruments and singers are solid, palpable contributors to a single, coherent whole. What they deliver and when they deliver it is never in question, absolutely defining the relationships within a piece – or even between left and right hand.”

We have 2 cables with the same condition available.
Price is firm. No offer please