VENDO SPLENDIDO E RARO MODELLO (wonderful and rare model)        BMW 635 CSI AUTOART  1:18

For shipping outside Italy, please contact before, see below (indicative)

(Poste Italiane Quick Pack Europe (3 days) 35 euro 1 model, 43euro 2 models, 59euro  3 models


Poste Italiane Ordinary (10 days) - tracking code only at start and receipt : 25 euro 1 model, 30 euro 2 models,, 40 euro 3 models)

NON DISPONIBILE SCATOLA ORIGINALE, MA VENDUTO CON ESPOSITORE IN PLEXIGLAS (not available original box but sent with plexiglas case)


PER MANCANZA SCATOLA ORIGINALE SCONTO 50% SU PREZZO DI MERCATO (due to the lack of original box reduction of 50% on market price)