Meiji period horned toad bullfrog, excellent detail appx 7 lbs and 7 inches long, this cast statue sculpture cast in Japanese iron and has hand applied details, signed in script on bottom. Nice green bronze patina, very nice piece.  I traveled to Japan many years ago and collected many pieces of Meiji art.

 Methods of Japanese decoration in antque metalwork:

(1) "katakiri-bori", a method of engraving with chisellike tools, the chief aim of it being to reproduce the movement and qualities of the brushwork found in Japanese paintings;

(2) "hira-zögwan", in which different metals are inlaid to obtain different color effects;

(3) "taka-zögwan", in which a somewhat similar method to hira-zögwan is used, the difference being that here the inlay is in relief;

(4) "uki-bori", which means chasing

(5) "kiri-hama", which literally means cut in laid, the inlaid material being inserted into holes cut through the foundation so that the same design in shown on both sides of the work.

The period from 1868 until 1912 in Japan is called the Meiji era - after the name chosen by the young prince Mutsuhito, when he followed his father to the throne. Meiji means in Japanese 'the enlightened rule'. During the Meiji period Japan underwent a stunning development from a medieval society to a leading economic and military power in Asia.