【RARE】1st Pioneer Laserdisc! Vintage 1980 VP-1000 LD Player without remote 
-Plays movies well, changes chapters, pause, eject. 

- Skip doesn't work I believe these first generation it didn't apply so i use chapter if need to go specific scene

- No remote. 

- Movie is not included. 

_No returns. 

Introduced in mid-1980, the VP-1000 was the first laser optical videodisc player to be sold under the Pioneer name and the second consumer player available in the USA. 

Co-designed by Pioneer Electronics and MCA DiscoVision technicians as part of the Universal Pioneer partnership, the VP-1000 was, in most respects, a consumer version of DiscoVision's industrial PR-7820. Many of the later stabilization features were not incorporated into LV players yet, but compared to the only other commercial player available, the Magnavox 8000, the VP-1000 was a revelation.  

With the optional remote it was actually "reasonably priced" at $799, that's over $2,300 today!