Bouquet handle holder made to order. These are   rhinestone effect and ribbon underneath. 5”  long closed bottom with ribbon (plastic tube).Can be customised to your requirements. If using a holder these fit a normal white bouquet holder. also fit over stems, (For handle only not feathers attached to)

Comes in two sizes across:- 4cm plus embellishments and 3.2cm plus embellishments this one is ideal for smaller hands


Customisation’s :- Can be made :- longer (may be small extra charge for full embellished handle) different colour ribbon, open bottom.  If you do not pick any of these then you will get 5”x4cm, white ribbon, closed bottom.


For those of you making your own bouquets they just need gluing at the top of the holder and then sticking over the stems ( or holder) and to the bouquet. Only have a few listed on ebay but all can be made with the different types of embellishments i have. If you have something in mind Prices range from £3.90 to £11.70 + p+p please feel free to contact me and will see if got something like you want.


(Please allow time for busy periods but on average no more than 2 weeks to post).