Deadlands Reloaded

Player's Guide

komplett englisch

Angeboten wird das o.g. Spielerhandbuch für die Neuauflage des Rollenspielklassiker von Pinnacle dem Jahr 2013, basierend auf dem SAVAGE WORLDS Regelsystem.

Das Spielerhandbuch ist 144 Seiten stark, englisch, Softcover.

Das Spielerhandbuch ist Neu / NEW

Produktbeschreibung des Herstellers

Strap on your six-gun and saddle up, partner, because there’s Hell to pay and the currency is hot lead!

The Tombstone Epitaph has always been filled with lurid tales of daring desperadoes and deadly drifters, but lately the West’s most-read tabloid claims there’s something more sinister stalking the frontier’s lonely plains: Monsters.

Fortunately, where there are monsters, there are heroes. Squint-eyed gunfighters, card-chucking hexslingers, savage braves, and righteous padres have all answered the call. And if they fight hard enough, they might just discover the identity of the mysterious Reckoners some say are behind it all.

The Player’s Guide is the core rules book for players of Deadlands Reloaded. It includes new rules for shootouts at high noon, new Edges, Hindrances, and powers, and everything a cowpoke needs to begin his journey into the Weird West. This is an Explorer's Edition (6.5" x 9").

Verlag: Studio 2
Themengebiet: Deadlands: Reloaded
Kategorien: Rollenspiel
Zusatzinfo: Regelbuch
EAN: 9780982817599
Format: 16,5 cm × 23 cm × 1 cm
Erscheinungsdatum: 17.01.2012


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