Werewolf The Apocalypse

Project Twilight

komplett englisch

Angeboten wird der o.g. Quellenband zum Werewolf Rollenspiel von White Wolf aus dem Jahr 1995.

Das Quellenband ist komplett in englisch und 108 Seiten stark, Softcover.

Das Quellenband ist gebraucht, in einem sehr guten Zustand und frei von Eintragungen, Knicken oder sonstigen Verschmutzungen.

The Sourcebook is in very good condition.

Produktbeschreibung des Herstellers

You Want the Truth?

The government is not wholly oblivious to the supernatural threats that hide in the World of Darkness.  Indeed, a handful of intrepid agents track down and hunts these horrors.  But as these men and women begin to discover the secrets of their elusive prey, an inevitable question arises:  just who are the agents really working for?  Who truly runs the government?

You Can't Handle the Truth!

Project Twilight is a Hunters sourcebook detailing the agents in the U.S. government who hunt vampires and werewolves.  This book reveals just how much the government agencies know and how much further they need dig into the darkness to discover the real truth about their prey.


  • Character creation for government agents, including new Merits, Flaws and Numina
  • Detail on the FBI Special Affairs Department and its counterparts in the NSA and CIA
  • A complete story for beginning agents.


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