Offering both variants of the third anti-drug campaign comic issued by DC in conjunction with the Keebler company.  The A variant is a slightly different direct market edition that was sold exclusively through comics specialty shops (note the price on the top left corner and the black bar along the bottom). The B variant is one of the three Teen Titans giveaway comics produced during the campaign (note the lack of cover price and the red text along the bottom).  

Marv Wolfman and George Pérez's
New Teen Titans series was ground-breaking for many reasons, but namely because it was a teen-targeted comic.  This targeting wasn't cynical or used to take advantage of kids; rather, it was used to give teens role models to admire and emulate.  Case in point with this third drug-awareness issue, we read reflections from some of the heroes (Speedy & Cyborg) on their experiences and choices with drugs.  However, t
he most effective plot device in this story is the kids as they introduce themselves AA meeting style:  name, age, drugs done, etc.  This comic knows its audience, and every few pages a new kid tells of how drugs affected his/her life.  The last four pages feature an activity section in which the reader has a chance to reflect on the message presented.  

There is a letter from Nancy Reagan about the anti-drug campaign on the inside cover (photo #5), and references to the president's Drug Awareness Campaign appear on the front and back covers (photos #2-4).  This third issue is the ONLY one drawn by George Pérez, as the other two were drawn by Ross Andru and Adrian Gonzalez, respectively.

Condition is quite nice on both, with cover gloss and color intact and minimal spine stress.  This is a full-color 28-page comic book and highly collectible!  Of course I'd be happy to combine shipping with any of my other items (you may message me for an updated invoice or I can refund any extra shipping paid).