This is a kit to help you build a Metric Prusa Mendel Reprap 3D Printer, the Kit includes all the Printed Parts for your Prusa, Plus all the Nuts, Washers, Bolts, Belts, Springs, Bearings, Bushings and 5mm Clear Acrylic Sheets (Still has protective blue film on).  Plus all the Printer Parts for a Wades Extruder and the Bearings, Washers, Nuts, Springs and Bolt (Not yet Hobbed).

These may still need to be reamed, but are very high quality (go check out some of the other Prusa's on E-bay, not very good quality!) pieces made from strong ABS Plastic.  (Just like all other printed parts there is some cleanup that may need to be done on the printed pieces to ensure fitment, but can be done with a sharp blade and a couple minutes.) 

This set also includes a full build instruction manual to walk you step by step through the build process of your prusa mendel.

This kit requires 8mm Threaded & Smooth rods, so if you live outside of the USA or you want to use 8mm" Rods Buy this Kit!
If you would like to use 5/16" Threaded & Smooth rods instead buy my SAE Kit here: Linear SAE Kit

The only remaining items you will need are the following:
1. Electronics Purchase here: 
RAMPS, Printrboard or Gen6
2. 5 Stepper Motors purchase here: 
Nema 17 Stepper Motors
3. Hot End: .
35mm PLA & ABS $64.95
4. Power Supply (PC Power Supply works great)
5. Threaded & Smooth Rods (local hardware store $30)
6. Heated Bed (Recommended) Purchase here: 
MK1 Heated Bed
3mm ABS or PLA Filament
Optional Recommended Items:
1. 225mm X 200mm Piece of Glass
2. Kapton Tape 
3. Binder clips (to hold glass onto Heated Bed)

The Build Guide can be downloaded here in the Build Instruction Section

If you want an easier build and better quality prints get the V2 Prusa here: HERE